Marcus Scribonius Libo

Marcus Scribonius Libo

Marcus Scribonius Libo Drusus († September 13, 16) was a younger son of the consul Lucius Scribonius Libo by his wife who was a member of the gens Sulpicius, the family that the Roman Emperor Galba, had descended from his paternal side. Marcus was a fatuous man, who had tastes for absurdities.

Along with his brother Lucius Scribonius Libo, he was accused of subversive plotting. The two men were tried in a senatorial court by Roman Emperor Tiberius. At the trial, Marcus was ill and pleaded for mercy. A maternal relative defended them and appealed to the Emperor. Tiberius told him to apply to the senate.

His aunt, Scribonia (second wife of Roman Emperor Augustus), tried to convince Marcus to face trial rather than commit suicide. However, Marcus stabbed himself twice in the stomach to death on September 13, 16. The Roman Senate agreed to divide his property among accusers. Furthermore, his statue and funeral masks were removed from descendants' funeral-parades and members of the gens ‘Scribonius’ were forbidden to bear the name ‘Drusus’. His supporters were executed, and the day of his death was declared a public holiday.


  • Tacitus - The Annals of Imperial Rome - Chapter 4 - The First Treason Trials

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