IDEAL model

IDEAL model

IDEAL (Integrated Design, Evaluation, and Assessment of Loadings) is a first of its kind post-construction water quality model for designing stormwater BMPs and calculating their effectiveness in removing common stormwater pollutants (sediments, bacteria, total nitrogen and total phosphorus). The model runoff treatment algorithm are process based by predicting runoff rates and pollutant loads and routing these loadings through BMPs using technologies which have been experimentally validated. Using isothermic relationships along with accepted decay, settling, and infiltration methods, pollutant trapping in BMPs can be computed. The developers of IDEAL model are Dr. Bill Barfield (Regents Professor at Oklahoma State University, Woolpert Inc.) and Dr. John Hayes of Clemson University. Currently, six BMps can be modeled with IDEAL: sand filters, wet and dry detention ponds, bioswales, bioretention cells, and vegetated filter strips. Disconnected impervious areas and water barrels/cisterns can also be modeled.

A demo of the model is available from [ link title] . This version is only applicable for use in Greenville County, South Carolina, USA.

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