ideal model — idealusis modelis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Tikrovėje neegzistuojantis sportininko arba komandos veiklos per varžybas modelis, kuriamas apibendrinant geriausių sportininkų rezultatus. atitikmenys: angl. ideal model vok … Sporto terminų žodynas
model — n Model, example, pattern, exemplar, ideal, standard, beau ideal, mirror are comparable when they denote something set or held before one for guidance or imitation in conduct or endeavor. Model applies to a person or thing set before one for… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ideal — I. a. 1. Intellectual, mental. 2. Imaginary, unreal, fanciful, fantastic, fancied, illusory, chimerical, visionary, shadowy. 3. Complete, perfect, consummate, filling our utmost conceptions. II. n. Imaginary standard, ideal model of perfection … New dictionary of synonyms
ideal — IDEÁL, Ă, ideali, e, adj., IDEÁL, idealuri, s.n. 1. adj. Care atinge perfecţiunea; perfect, desăvârşit. 2. adj. Care ţine de domeniul ideilor, privitor la gândire; care există numai în mintea, în închipuirea omului; spiritual, imaterial. 3. s.n.… … Dicționar Român
model — [adj] typical, ideal archetypal, classic, classical, commendable, copy, dummy, exemplary, facsimile, flawless, illustrative, imitation, miniature, paradigmatic, perfect, prototypical, quintessential, representative, standard, typical, very;… … New thesaurus
ideal type — Ideal types in sociology are most closely associated with the name of Max Weber , although as a method of investigation and explanation they are more commonly found in economics, for example in the concept of the perfect market. For Weber, the… … Dictionary of sociology
Ideal (band) — Ideal is an American R B quartet from Houston, Texas. The group s members are PZ, Swab, J Dante, and Maverick.Their self titled debut album was released by Virgin Records on August 24, 1999. The album sold 615,000 units in the U.S., according to… … Wikipedia
model — MODÉL, modele, s.n. 1. Ceea ce poate servi ca orientare pentru reproduceri sau imitaţii; tipar. ♦ Reprezentare în mic a unui obiect; machetă. ♦ Tipul unui obiect confecţionat. Model de pălărie. ♦ Obiect care, imprimat într un material plastic,… … Dicționar Român
ideal — [ī dē′əl, īdēl′; ī′dē΄əl, ī′dēl΄] adj. [Fr idéal < LL idealis, existing in idea, ideal < L idea: see IDEA] 1. existing as an idea, model, or archetype; consisting of ideas: see IDEA (sense 7) 2. thought of as perfect or as a perfect model;… … English World dictionary
Ideal — I*de al, n. A mental conception regarded as a standard of perfection; a model of excellence, beauty, etc. [1913 Webster] The ideal is to be attained by selecting and assembling in one whole the beauties and perfections which are usually seen in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English