company_name = UNIFE (The European Rail Industry)
type = Industry trade group

foundation = 1991
location_city = Brussels
location_country = Belgium
key_people = Hans-Jörg Grundmann, Chairman
homepage = [http://www.unife.org/ www.unife.org]
industry = Rail Supply Industry
num_employees = 23
company_slogan = Rail Transport:The mobility solution for the 21st century
key messages = Faster, cleaner, safer...

UNIFE (formerly Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes) – "the Association of the European Rail Industry" – represents Europe’s leading rail supply companies active in the design, manufacturing, maintenance and refurbishment of rail transport systems, subsystems and related equipment. Membership also extends to associated members, mostly composed of national railway industry associations. The association is headed-up by Director-General Michael Clausecker and presided over by Hans-Jörg Grundmann - CEO of Siemens Mobility.

UNIFE's permanent secretariat, based in Brussels, maintains close contacts with European and international institutions and has become a major partner in consultations on transport-related developments.

The secretariat co-ordinates the work of more than 500 experts, grouped in Committees and Expert Groups around the following themes:

*Public Affairs
*EU Research
*EU Standardisation & Harmonisation

The mission of UNIFE is to pro-actively develop an environment in which members can provide competitive railway systems for increased rail traffic.

UNIFE in 2008

2007 was a year of change and restructuring at UNIFE. 2008 has delivered further change especially in the fields of Communications and Public Affairs. Introduced in July 2008, a new corporate identity has been rolled-out across the association - in order to better support the visibility and regenerated activities of the association.

UNIFE Worldwide Rail Market Study

1 September saw UNIFE launch the latest edition of the Worldwide Rail Market Study. The study was conducted by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants on behalf of UNIFE. The study forecasts continued growth for the rail supply industry to 2016, with an average annual growth rate of between 2.5% and 3%.

UNIFE at Innotrans

UNIFE took part at the biennial INNOTRANS fair in Berlin from 23-26 September 2008. The UNIFE corporate exhibition stand was in Hall 2.2, opposite Bombardier. A joint UNIFE-UIC Research stand was located in Hall 18, as was a specially dedicated InteGRail exhibition stand.

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