Silvia Berti

Silvia Berti

Silvia Berti is a history professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Her field of interest is European anti-Christian attitudes, Spinoza and Spinozism, the Huguenots, Jansenists and other opposition groups within French history.


Her most prominent published works include; "Essays on Ancient and Modern Judaism" [Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994] . She is on the editorial board of Hebraic Political Studies and has published in the Journal of the History of Ideas, the Jewish Studies Quarterly, and Rivista storica italiana. She has been the recipient of fellowships from the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (Philadelphia) (1999-2000), the Folger Shakespeare Library (1995-96), and the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies at Princeton University (1993-94). [ [ Hebraic Political Studies ] ]


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