Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG

Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG

company_type=Public company
company_name =
foundation = 1995
location = flagicon|Germany Hamburg, Germany
key_people =

  • Yasin Sebastian Qureshi
  • Steffen Fix

num_employees = 25 (Jan 2008)
industry = Finance
Investment banks
products =
title = Varengold - Intelligent Investments
homepage = []

Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG is a German investment bank headquartered in Hamburg. Varengold has specialized in the fields of hedge funds and Managed Futures exclusively.

The label [ VarengoldbankFX] stands for its online-Brokerage in Forex with innovative advanced trading technology using fully electronic execution without dealer invention.

Varengold investment bank is a member of the Bundesverband [ Alternative Investments e.V.] , and of global operating financial market incorporation, [ A.C.I - The Financial Markets Association] .


Varengold was founded in 1995 by Yasin Sebastian Qureshi and Steffen Fix amongst others. Since foundation of the company main business operations is derivative brokerage, as well as asset management category Managed Futures.

In 1998 Varengold obtained the licence for financial institutions by the former Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Kreditwesen (BAKred), and since 2003 is registered as an investment bank by the Bundesanstalt für Finandiestleistungen (BaFin) [ [ Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht - Verzeichnis der Finanzinstitute in Deutschland] ] .

Varengold investment bank is a member of the Entschädigungseinrichtung der Wertpapierhandelsunternehmen (EdW). EdW aims to protect small and large investors.

The ending AG of companies’ name means Aktiengesellschaft, i.e. public company. Since 2007 Varengold stocks are listed open market at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany, specifically in the market segment Entry Standard.


Products of Varengold investment bank address institutional investors, asset managers as well as financially independent private individuals.

Although doing hedge funds Varengold investment bank has special offers for private clients.

In 2006 Varengold investment bank launched the first German hedge fund of funds focusing on Managed Futures. It’s called [ HI Varengold CTA Hedge] and ranked as multi-strategy funds. In 2007 and 2008 the HI Varengold CTA Hedge was awarded by the association I.B.C. Consulting for Institutional Banks [ [ I.B.C. Consulting for Institutional Banks] ] and the Springer Finance Group as the best German hedge fund of funds.

Under [ VarengoldbankFX] the investment bank stands for online-Brokerage in Forex with innovative advanced trading technology using fully electronic excecution without dealer invention.


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