- Gene Morrison
Gene Anthony “Rocky” Morrison (born 1958) was a fraudulent forensic detective who operated over three decades in the Hyde area of
Greater Manchester ,England , under the title Dr. Gene Morrison.Memorable for his trademark sheepskin jacket; during the course of his deception he managed to trick not only members of the public, but also many judges, lawyers and the police themselves into believing he was a genuine expert in
forensic science . [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/6386069.stm Fraudulent forensic expert jailed] , BBC News, 22 February 2007] Claiming to be an expert inhandwriting ,drugs ,lie detection ,toxicology , facial mapping andforensic dentistry , he supposedly had aBSc inforensic psychology , anMSc inforensic investigation , and aPhD incriminology which he purchased fromRochville University , an online website offering 'life experience degrees'. Appearing in court he insisted on being referred to as "Doctor" throughout the entire trial, and the jury were supposedly reduced to laughter on many occasions throughout the proceedings. [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article3277057.ece How to fake a living] , by Steve Bradshaw," The Sunday Times", February 3, 2008] He was eventually charged with obtaining a money transfer by deception, obtaining property by deception,perverting the course of justice andperjury , and received a 5 year prison sentence which he is currently serving, although police suggest that Morrison may attempt to revive his forensic services upon release.A video documentary was made about Morrison. Entitled "Crime Scene Conman", it was first shown on
BBC1 on 25 March 2008. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b009nm9g Documentary about the conman who passed himself of as a top forensic scientist.] BBC One programmes - Crime Scene Conman]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.