VES Group

VES Group

VES Group (VES Group Co. Ltd.) is a holding company based in Thailand. VES is a leading investor in Burma with interests in its main industries of logging, gem mining, jewellery, pearl farming, commercial fishing and tourism. It is also involved in various construction and infrastructire projects in Burma. The group is headed by Vikrom Aisiri, a Thai businessman and politician. Aisiri also owns and operates the Andaman Club, an island casino cum golf resort on Thahtay Kyun Island, under a concession from the Burmese government. The group also controls the Dusit Island Resort in Chiang Rai and is building a new four star hotel in Ranong. The group also has a long term eco-tourism concession on St. Lukes Island.


* [ Myanmar Times, October 22-28, 2007 - "Gem industry will shine on, say traders"]
* [ Khaleej Times, 19 October 2006, by Reuters. "Myanmar rubies, sapphires for sale at gems fair"]

External links

* [ Andaman Club]
* [ Myanmar VES Joint Venture Co., Ltd.]

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