Main//Pyrus DMS

Main//Pyrus DMS

Infobox Software
name = Main//Pyrus DMS

developer = Main IT GmbH & Co. KG
latest_release_version = 1.2.0
latest_release_date = February 7 2008
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = Document Management System
license = GPL
website =

Main//Pyrus DMS is a free Open Source Document Management System. It is based on open standards to integrate itself in given environments. The server side of the system runs on Unix-like operating systems. On the client side it is web-based and contains clients for Windows and Linux written in Java. Its design aims at the needs of small and medium enterprise with the need for long-term archiving and document management. Main//Pyrus DMS consists of a server written in C++ and a Web application written in php which contains the Web page definitions written in xml.


Development of Main//Pyrus DMS started in 2003. Then it was called uniVarc. In 2005 it was renamed to Callimachus. One year later it became part of the newly founded company Main IT GmbH & Co. KG which then renamed it to Main//Pyrus DMS. Until 2007 it was developed as a closed source application. In the beginning of 2007 it was released under the terms of the GPL. Since then it is hosted on SourceForge.

Main//Pyrus DMS Features

The Main//Pyrus DMS is capable of the following:
* Document Management
* Records Management
* Versioning of Documents (similar to revision control)
* Federated servers
* Multi-language support
* Multi-platform support (officially Windows and Linux)
* Browser-based GUI (official support for Internet Explorer and Firefox)
* Image scanner support
* Journaling of changes (similar to journaling file system)
* Extensive format conversions
* Integration of Common Unix Printing System

External links

* [ Main//Pyrus DMS Homepage]
* [ Trialsystem]
* [ Downloads]
* [ Bugtracker]
* [ Documentation]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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