

Saipa Diesel Company, originally branded Iran Kaveh, commenced its activities in 1963 under the exclusive agreement with Mack Trucks assembling Mack trucks and various types of trailers so producing a total number of 7512 units by the year 1978.

During the years 1979-1984, the company began the assembly of various transporting vehicles in both cargo and passenger sectors in order to prevent the shut-down of the factory and making use of the existing capacities. In 1984, having carried out studies on restarting the truck production line, a contract was concluded for the production of Volvo F4x2, 6x2, and 6x4 trucks. In the same year, another agreement was sealed with the former Yugoslavian Company of Coscha to produce platform semi-trailers.

Since the year 2000, Iranian truck fleets running on international roads were already being stopped on European frontiers due to their non-conformity to European environmental standards. And it called for immediate and drastic measure. Sustaining its role as the market leader for the past decades in tractor truck sector, culminating on seizing some 90% of the local market share in 2001, Saipa Diesel committed itself to helping international transportation companies out of the plight they were grappled with by introducing Volvo FH12 trucks. Quality, safety, and strengths are the salient features of the new trucks. Thus launching the production of Volvo FH 12 tractor trucks (and NH12 at the same time) since 2001, being equipped with Euro II & III engines and meeting the requirements of European environmental standards, Saipa Diesel took on the responsibility to renovate the Iranian truck fleets. Besides the immediate concern of production of heavy trucks, there were felt the need to fill the gap the market was long suffering from. The light and medium trucks crowding the country's transportation structure were mostly out-dated models, failing to measure up to the dire needs which had long been lying heavy on the truck builders to keep abreast of current technology. This was when Saipa Diesel felt it incumbent upon itself to bridge the gap. It was no accident that Volvo FM & Renault Midlum trucks were placed among the range of Saipa Diesel's products. The choice had to bear precision, patience and plausible technical consideration. At present, Saipa Diesel's annual production capacity is 20,000 units of different types of trucks and 6,000 units of various types of trailers and truck bodies. Investment and development of production and technology sections, expanding her subsidiary companies, cooperation with the market leaders worldwide in CV section, renovation of the domestic transportation fleets, offering up-dated products conforming to standards worldwide, ranking the best domestic company, establishment of integrated management system, gaining certificates in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS 18001, procuring productivity and excellence awards on the level of "recognized for excellence" award, ranking the first among Saipa Group subsidiaries, have all contributed to the company's success in becoming the domestic market leader in trucks, trailers, and truck bodies, thus paving the way for the company to actively participate in the region's market. At the time being, in accordance with the renovation of passenger CV fleet, Saipa Diesel has introduced state-of-the-art midi buses and minibuses, thus launching a firm step in the field.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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