Cecilia Tait

Cecilia Tait

Cecilia Tait Villacorta (born May 2, 1962) is a former Afro-Peruvian volleyball player from Lima, and a Peruvian politician. She participated in three Summer Olympics with the Peruvian national team, finishing 4th in 1984 and receiving a silver medal at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. [http://www.databaseolympics.com/games/gamessport.htm?g=22&sp=VOL "1988 Summer Olympics – Seoul, South Korea – Volleyball"] – "databaseOlympics" (Retrieved on February 5, 2008)] She received a silver medal at the 1982 World championship, and a bronze medal in 1986. Tait was inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame in 2005.


Tait was elected Congresswoman in 2000, representing Perú Posible. The resignation of President Alberto Fujimori led to new elections the following year in which she was reelected for the period 2001–2006. [es icon [http://www.congreso.gob.pe/congresista/2001/ctait/hojadevida.htm Cecilia Tait Villacorta] – "Congreso de la República del Perú" (Retrieved on February 5, 2008)]


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