- Raposa Serra Do Sol
Raposa Serra do Sol is a
Brazil ian Native Americanreservation that was approved early in 2005 and may become an official reservation in the next few months. The tribe that will mostly represent the reserve areMacuxi tribesmen.The area it composes is set in the northern part of the
Brazil ian state ofRoraima , and will composite 17,000 km2 (6,500 sq mi.). 12,000 Brazilian Indians are estimated to be included in the reservation's population, when it is formally becomes anindian reserve in Brazil sometime in 2008.There are some controversies about the real intention of the demarcation of the reserve. Lots of movements were and are being formed against this reserve, because some people say that there is a "second intention" behind it. Even interests of other countries in the region, which is very rich in minerals, and other natural resources.
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4450755.stm BBCNews: Brazil Authorises Indian reservation]
* [http://www.cir.org.br/ Indigenous Council of Roraima (in Portuguese)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.