Urshan Gateway Library

Urshan Gateway Library

The Urshan Gateway Library is an academic library that supports the faculty, staff, and students of Urshan Graduate School of Theology [http://www.ugst.org] and Gateway College of Evangelism [http://www.gatewaycollege.net] . Collection development began with the acquisition of the personal library of Ernest E. Jolley, a United Pentecostal Church International [http://www.upci.org] minister. Rev Jolley’s library was donated to Gateway College of Evangelism and consisted of almost ten thousand volumes. This donation was catalogued and shelved in one of the large classrooms. A major shift in the library took place in 2001 when the Urshan Graduate School of Theology began operation. Intentional acquisition of material relevant to curriculum and research of the school’s professional staff became a top priority. Over 5,000 square feet of floor space was remodeled and designed for library use.The library now consists of approximately 40,000 holdings with 30,000 titles. Future development will broaden to other formats but printed manuscript is the prefer medium for present development. Major renovations and expansion is scheduled as the collection grows to 60,000 holdings. The library will be reviewed by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) [http://www.ats.edu] in 2008 for accreditation. The Urshan Gateway Library maintains membership in the American Theological Library Association(ATLA) [http://www.atla.com] , the Missouri Educational Resoures Network (MOREnet) [http://www.more.net] , and the St Louis Regional Library Network [http://www.slrln.org] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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