John Cleland (anatomist) — John Cleland, Professor Anatomy and Physiology in Queen’s College Galway from 1863 1877, then Glasgow University from 1877 1909.John Cleland was born in Perthshire on June 15th 1835, the second son of the family. Cleland’s father was a surgeon… … Wikipedia
John Maclean (politician) — John Maclean MA (24 August 1879 30 November 1923) [Knox, William, (1984) Scottish Labour Leaders 1918 1939: A Biographical Dictionary (Ed. Dr. William Knox), Edinburgh, 1984, p.179. ISBN 0906391407] was a Scottish schoolteacher and revolutionary… … Wikipedia
Goodsir — (spr. gúdd ßör), John, Anatom und Physiolog, geb. 1814 zu Anstruther in Schottland, studierte in Edinburg und starb als Professor daselbst 6. März 1867. Er war nach Hunter der berühmteste Anatom Englands; seine zahlreichen Arbeiten erschienen… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Goodsir, John — ▪ Scottish anatomist born March 20, 1814, Anstruther, Fife, Scot. died March 6, 1867, Wardie, near Edinburgh Scottish anatomist and investigator in cellular (cell) physiology and pathology who insisted on the importance of the cell as the… … Universalium
Mount Goodsir — Elevation 3,567 m (11,703 ft) Prominence 1,887 m (6,191 ft) … Wikipedia
Earnest Goodsir-Cullen — Earnest John Goodsir Cullen (born July 15, 1912, date of death unknown) was an Indian field hockey player who competed in the 1936 Summer Olympics.In 1936 he was a member of the Indian field hockey team, which won the gold medal. He played five… … Wikipedia
GOODSIR, JOHN — eminent Scotch anatomist, born at Anstruther; was trained at St. Andrews and Edinburgh, in which latter city he served an apprenticeship in dentistry; he settled in Anstruther and there wrote his noted essay on Teeth ; in 1840 he became keeper … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Smith, Sydney, Goodsir — (1915 1975) He was born in Wellington, New Zealand, of a Scottish mother and a father who was an army medical officer and later professor of forensic medicine at Edinburgh. After Malvern College, England, rather than medicine, Smith studied… … British and Irish poets
Sydney Goodsir Smith — (26 October 1915 ndash; 15 January 1975) was a New Zealand Scottish poet, artist, dramatist and novelist. He wrote poetry in literary Scots often referred to as Lallans, and was a major figure of the Scottish Renaissance.He was born in Wellington … Wikipedia
Гудсэр — (John Goodsir, 1814 1867) известный английский анатом, был сначала врачом, в 1846 1867 г. профессор анатомии в Эдинбурге. Научные труды Г. касаются как анатомии человека, так и сравнительной анатомии позвоночных и беспозвоночных животных… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона