Torstein Eckhoff — (born June 6, 1916 died 1993) was a Norwegian lawyer and professor of law at the University of Oslo. Among the books he wrote are Rettskildelære and Forvaltningsrett . The latter has since his death been updated and edited by Eivind Smith, while… … Wikipedia
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters — The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters building in Drammensveien The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Norwegian: Det Norske Videnskaps Akademi, DNVA) is a learned society based in Oslo, Norway … Wikipedia
Norwegian Institute for Social Research — Not to be confused with Norwegian Social Research. The Norwegian Institute for Social Research (Norwegian: Institutt for samfunnsforskning, IFS) is a social science research institute based in Oslo, Norway. It was founded in 1950 by Vilhelm… … Wikipedia
Liste von Jazzmusikern — Abk. Instrument acc Akkordeon acl Altklarinette afl Altflöte arr Arrangement as Altsaxophon b Bass bar … Deutsch Wikipedia
Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour season 2001–02 — 2001–02 Pro Tour season Pro Player of the Year Kai Budde Rookie of the Year Farid Meraghni … Wikipedia
Премия Тарьея Весоса — Эта статья о премии за лучший дебют. О поэтической премии см. Премия Халдис Мурен Весос. Премия Тарьея Весоса за лучший дебют (норв. Tarjei Vesaas debutantpris) норвежская литературная премия, ежегодно вручаемая за лучшее… … Википедия
8. Feber — Der 8. Februar ist der 39. Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders, somit bleiben 326 Tage (in Schaltjahren 327 Tage) bis zum Jahresende. Historische Jahrestage Januar · Februar · März 1 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Church of Avaldsnes — Avaldsnes kirke The medieval church at Avaldsnes – Dimensions: 47 m x 13.5 m … Wikipedia
Microtonal music — Composer Charles Ives chose the chord above as good possibility for a fundamental chord in the quarter tone scale, akin not to the tonic but to the major chord of traditional tonality.(Boatright 1971, 8 9) … Wikipedia
Murchison Award — This article is about the Murchison Award of the Royal Geographical Society. This should not be confused with the Murchison Medal given by the Geological Society of London. The Murchison Award was first given by the Royal Geographical Society in… … Wikipedia