Hubert of Palestrina

Hubert of Palestrina

Hubert of Palestrina [Humbert, Umberto, Uberto Belmonte delle Caminate.] was an Italian papal legate and Cardinal.

He was created bishop of Palestrina in 1068 [ [ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Creations of Cardinals of the XI Century ] ] . He was legate, with Gerald of Ostia, to the Emperor Henry IV, for Pope Gregory VII [Herbert Edward JohnCowdrey, "The Register of Pope Gregory VII, 1073-1085: An English Translation" (2002), p. 120.] ; a temporary reconciliation was achieved in 1074 [Ian Robinson, "The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century" (2004), p. 306 note.] They also asserted papal authority over Liemar, archbishop of Bremen [Patrick Healy, "The Chronicle of Hugh of Flavigny: Reform and the Investiture Contest in the Late Eleventh Century" (2006), p. 192.] .


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