Argas persicus

Argas persicus

name = Fowl Tick

image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Chelicerata
classis = Arachnida
subclassis = Acarina
superordo = Parasitiformes
ordo = Ixodida
superfamilia = Argasoidea
familia = Argasidae
subfamilia = Argasinae
genus = "Argas" Latreille, 1795
species = "A. persicus"
binomial = "Argas persicus"
binomial_authority = Oken 1818

"Argas persicus", fowl tick or poultry tick is a small soft-bodied tick that is found primarily on chickens and other domestic fowl. It was first recorded by Lorenz Oken in 1818 in Mianeh, PersiaFortescue, L. S. (April 1924) "The Western Elburz and Persian Azerbaijan" "The Geographical Journal" 63(4): pp. 301-315 ] , and named "Rhynochoprion persicum". But the genus "Argas" had binomial priority.

"A. persicus" has a world-wide distribution in warm climates and is a carrier of avian spirochetosis in chickens. [Brown, J. C. and Cross, J. C. (1941) "A probable agent for the transmission of fowl paralysis" "Science" 93: p.528] [Dickie, Charles W. and Barrera, James (May 1964) "A Study of the Carrier State of Avian Spirochetosis in the Chicken" "Avian Diseases" 8(2): pp. 191-195 ]

In addition to chickens and other domestic fowl, "A. persicus" also feeds on humans, although an immunity has been acquired by some individuals. [Trager, William (February 1940) "A Note on the Problem of Acquired Immunity to Argasid Ticks" "The Journal of Parasitology" 26(1): pp. 71-74 ]


Further reading

* Dusbabek, F. "et al." {1991) "Identification of xanthine and hypoxanthine as components of assembly pheromone in excreta of argasid ticks" "Experimental and Applied Acarology" 11: pp.307-316, page 314
* Eastwood, E. B. (April 1972) "First Record of "Argas persicus" from Southern Africa" "The Journal of Parasitology" 58(2): p. 251
* Micks, Don W. (February 1951) "The Laboratory Rearing of the Common Fowl Tick, "Argas persicus" (Oken)" "The Journal of Parasitology" 37(1): pp. 102-105

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