Rock'n'Rolling Stones

Rock'n'Rolling Stones

Infobox Album | Name = Rock'n'Rolling Stones
Type = Compilation album
Artist = The Rolling Stones

Released = 13 October 1972
Recorded = 1963 - 1965, and 1969
Genre = Rock
Length =
Label = Decca
Producer = Andrew Loog Oldham
The Rolling Stones
and Glyn Johns
Last album = "Milestones"
This album = "Rock 'n' Rolling Stones"
Next album = "No Stone Unturned"

"Rock 'n' Rolling Stones" is a compilation album by The Rolling Stones released in 1972. It reached #41 in the U.K chart.

The album contains five Chuck Berry covers and also Berry-related songs like "Route 66" and "Down The Road A Piece".

Track listing

# "Route 66" (Bobby Troup)
# "The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man" (Nanker Phelge)
# "Come On" (Chuck Berry)
# "Talkin' About You" (Chuck Berry)
# "Bye Bye Johnny" (Chuck Berry)
# "Down The Road Apiece" (Don Raye)
# "I Just Want to Make Love to You" (Willie Dixon)
# "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love" (Bert Russel/Solomon Burke/Jerry Wexler)
# "Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin')" (Barbara Lynn Ozen)
# "19th Nervous Breakdown" (Mick Jagger/Keith Richards)
# "Little Queenie" live (Chuck Berry)
# "Carol" live (Chuck Berry)

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