Stayin' Alive (Happy Tree Friends)

Stayin' Alive (Happy Tree Friends)

Infobox Television episode
Title = Stayin' Alive
Series = Happy Tree Friends

Caption = Disco Bear trying to seduce Giggles and Petunia during their tea party
Season = 1
Episode = 10
Airdate = ?
Production = 110
Writer = Mark Giglio
Mark Fiorenza
Warren Graff
Rhode Montijo
Kenn Navarro
Director = Rhode Montijo
Episode list = List of Happy Tree Friends episodes
Prev = Pitchin' Impossible
Next = Treasure These Idol Moments

"Stayin' Alive" is an episode of the Happy Tree Friends Flash cartoon series. In this episode, we are intoduced to Disco Bear, the funky dancer who always tries to impress the ladies, but he always seems to go wrong somewhere.


tarring Roles

*Disco Bear

HTF's Episode Description

Introducing Disco Bear, that lovable beast that never grew out of the '70s. His flirtatious ways get him in a heap o' trouble with Giggles and Petunia! Lucky for him that disco never really died. [ [ Happy Tree Friends : About the Show - Episode Guide ] ]


As Petunia and Giggles enjoy their relaxing Tea Party, they are greeted by a Disco Ball and Disco Bear, wanting to impress the ladies, but there's no sale. Despite this, Disco Bear doesn't feel like giving up soon, he moves over to Giggles and takes her hand and starts to dance with her.

As Disco begins to show off his moves, he inadvertently sends Giggles off spinning, only to send her crashing into the Tea Pot for the Tea Party, causing third degree burns and a significant blood loss, and Disco Bear thinks it's a new dance when Giggles is screaming jumping around in complete agony!

Now it's Petunia's turn to face the music, Disco Bear picks her up and starts to dance with her, only to bounce her into an electric fence, shocking and burning her to a crisp, and leaving a chunk of her flesh on the fence; her pain seems to duplicate the Robot Dance, which Disco Bear thinks is great, not noticing the damage he has done.

With Giggles bled out and burnt by her own Teapot, and Petunia electrocuted black by Disco Bear's dangerous dancing, Disco Bear finishes up his act, sweaty and completely exhausted, still not noticing the girls' demise, but wants to express one last 'grrrooowwwwllll' for the audience as the act finishes.


"An Apple a day keeps the Doctor Away!"


#Disco Bear kills Giggles when his dance spins her to the table. She falls to the table and got slam her face down on and breaks a tea kettle, lodging glass in her head and causing her to bleed profusely.

#Disco Bear kills Petunia when his dance slams her into an electric fence, shocking and burning her, also tearing some skin and fur off in the process.


*There seems to be a running goof with the opening sequence: Giggles' streak on her head is, once again, not in the opening sequence, but is in the episode itself.

Cultural References

The title of this episode is a reference to the disco song Stayin' Alive.


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