Sherali Jo‘rayev

Sherali Jo‘rayev

Sherali Jo‘rayev (also spelled as "Sherali Jurayev" and "Sherali Djuraev") is a popular Uzbek singer. His song "O‘zbegim" was featured on the 2005 album "Rough Guide to the Music of Central Asia", released by World Music Network. In honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 78th birthday, British Ambassador Craig Murray welcomed more than 1000 guests to the Residence on April 23, 2004 to mark this annual event. The celebrations in Tashkent featured Sherali Jo‘rayev and Sevara Nazarkhan, the Chamber Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Neimer. At the same time the British Embassy arranged a tour of Uzbekistan by Scotland’s Battlefield Band, whom Sherali performed with their first night at the Residency before a large (2000-3000) and presumably influential audience, all guests of the Embassy. [ [ UK Embassies Overseas Foreign & Commonwealth Office ] ]

Although Sherali Jo‘rayev is currently one of the most famous and influential people in Uzbekistan, president Karimov has banned his performances on all Uzbek TV channels and public performances. However he still performs at Uzbeki wedding parties to popular acclaim. Jo‘rayev's lyrics [ [ Sherali Jo'raev ] ] are often quoted and his music enjoyed by numerous fans. [ [,1033.0.html Sherali Jo'raev muxlislari uchun! ] ] Jo'rayev is often invited to other neighbouring countries due to his talent and entertaining performances. The Uzbeki president Karimov is said to disapprove of his critical lyrics.


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