Shripat Pimpri

Shripat Pimpri

Shripat Pimpri is a village located in Barshi taluka of Solapur District of Maharashtra. The population is approximately 10000. The economy is based on agriculture.

The Schooling it till the class 10 th in the village itself. Primary school and Lower and Upper KG is located in village while the secondary school is half km away from the village. The education rate is approximately 85%(Needs to be updated).

There is famous temple of Hanuman near the bus stand of the village. There is big festival called Yatra on Chaitra Pornima. The villagers are spread through Maharashtra and also abroad for searching the better future. They gather at Yatra in the village. There are other temples also in the village and one masjid at the center of the village. the students for higher education go to Barshi - the taluka place. The people are having many traditional beliefs also they have the advance knowledge of the society and world. Many people in the village are at big positions in India and abroad.

The villagers are of diverse castes and communities. They have their own traditional business and some have changed their business and joined a job somewhere. Many People work in different areas of Maharashtra like Barshi, Mahad, Bangalore and Pune.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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