Vauxhall 10-4

Vauxhall 10-4

Infobox Automobile

name=Vauxhall Ten
manufacturer=Vauxhall Motors
production=1937 - 1940
1946 - 1947
body_style=4-door saloon
layout = FR layout
class = Small family car
length = Auto in|155.5|0
"(1937 - 1940)"
Auto in|159|0
"(1946 - 1947)"|width = Auto in|61|0
wheelbase=Auto in|94|0 cite book |last=Culshaw |first= |authorlink= |coauthors=Horrobin |title=Complete Catalogue of British Cars |year=1974 |publisher=Macmillan |location=London |id=ISBN 0-333-16689-2 ]
(1937 - 1940)
Auto in|97.75|0
(1946 - 1947)
weight=Auto lb|2016|0
engine=1203 cc I4 ohv
"((1937 - 1940)"
1203 cc I4 ohv
"(1946 - 1947)"

The Vauxhall 10 is a small British built four door saloon first shown in public in October 1937. A striking structural innovationcite book |last=Culshaw |first= |authorlink= |coauthors=Horrobin |title=Complete Catalogue of British Cars |year=1974 |publisher=Macmillan |location=London |id=ISBN 0-333-16689-2 (1937 - 1940)] , following the pattern set in 1935 by GM's German subsidiary, was the Ten's integral (chassisless) construction which suggests that it was designed by Vauxhall to enjoy a long life and high production volumes. Unfortunately war intervened, however: Vauxhall’s Luton plant switched to tank production and the Vauxhall 10 was unavailable after 1940.

The model reappeared briefly in 1946 with the same 1203 cc ohv engine as before, albeit with a reduction in claimed power output (and probably also a lowered compression ratio reflecting fuel type availability). The post war Vauxhall 10 was little changed in other respects. However, with British consumers cash strapped, and the market for small saloons of prewar design closely contested, Vauxhall withdrew their 10 in 1947, concentrating, until 1963, on larger and presumably more lucrative models.

The name of the car referred to its fiscal horse power which at this time defined the class in which it was to compete against cars such as the Morris 10, the Standard 10 ands the Ford 10. The Vauxhall 10’s advertised horse power in 1937 was 34 bhp.


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