- Tachylalia
Tachylalia is extremely rapid speech. [ [http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O87-tachylalia.html Tachylalia] ] Tachylalia occurs in many
clutterers and many people who havespeech disorders . It is also calledtachylogia . [ [http://www.painhealth.com/word.asp?q=41559 Tachylalia] ]Tachylalia is a generic term for speaking fast, and does not need to coincide with other speech problems. Tachylalia by itself is not considered a speech disorder.
Tachylalia may be exhibited as a single stream of rapid speech without prosody, and can be delivered quietly or mumbled. Tachylalia can be simulated by stimulating the brain electronically. [BÉRUBÉ, Louise. Terminologie de neuropsychologie et de neurologie du comportement, Montréal, Les Éditions de la Chenelière Inc.,1991, 176 p., p.58.]
Tachylalia can occur with the following speakers
*Normal speech
*Parkinsonians [ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=34973&dopt=AbstractPlus Tachylalia: clinical and acoustic study of 149 subjects] ]
*Cluttered speech References
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