Bradford Angier

Bradford Angier

Bradford Angier (May 13, 1910 – March 03, 1997) was a wilderness survivalist and proponent of back to earth living. He authored more than 35 books on how to survive in the wild and how to live minimalisticly off the land.

In 1947 Bradford and his new wife, Vena, were living in Boston Massachusetts. They had long romanticized the life of Thoreau and decided to move to Hudson's Hope, a small town in northeastern British Columbia, Canada, to live off the land. Once there, they found an old prospectors cabin. With the few tools and how-to books they brought with them, they were able to repair the cabin. Bradford then set about learning to hunt and gather wild food. [At Home in the Woods: Living the Life of Thoreau Today By Bradford Angier Published 1985 Macmillan Pub Co ISBN 002062140X]

He eventually started writing survival books. Vena was artistic and hand illustrated several of his books. The couple lived in Canada until the building of the W.C. Bennett Dam on the Peace river near their home forced them to move. They moved to Cambria, California and built a house that was less than convert|1000|sqft|m2. [Newspaper article from Weymouth, Massachusetts, on Vena Angier turning 90. By Leeanne T. Stronach / Correspondent Wednesday, December 17, 2003]

In the 1970s Bradford and Vena returned to Hudson's Hope. In 1972 he wrote the book "One Acre & Security" in which he discusses how to live organically on only convert|1|acre|m2|sing=on of land. At this time he had became popular with the back-to-earth movement and was sought out by many people wishing to emulate his lifestyle. He was sometimes referred to as "Mr. Outdoors" [One Acre and Security: How to Live Off the Earth Without Ruining It By Bradford Angier Published 2000 Willow Creek Press ISBN 157223394X ]

Two chapters in his book, Wilderness Wife, were almost word for word copies of two chapters from the book The Forest by Stewart Edward White, which was published in 1904. There were no references made to White's book or even footnotes included which stated the text's source.

Bradford died in 1997, a few months short of his 50th wedding anniversary.


* "At Home in the Woods: Living the Life of Thoreau Today" (1951)
* "How To Build Your Home in The Woods" (1952)
* "Living Off the Country: How to Stay Alive in the Woods" (1956)
* "On Your own in the Wilderness" (1958)
* "Wilderness cookery" (1961)
* "We Like It Wild" (1963)
* "Home in Your Pack: The modern handbook of backpacking" (1965)
* "Free for the Eating" (1966)
* "Skills for Taming the Wilds: A Handbook of Woodcraft Wisdom" (1967)
* "Home in Your Pack: The Modern Handbook of Backpacking" (1967)
* "Free for the eating (100 Wild Plants, 300 Ways to Use Them)" (1967)
* "The Outdoorsman's Emergency Manual Being Your Own Wilderness Doctor" (1968)
* "More free-for-the-eating wild foods" (1969)
* "How to Stay Alive in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Food, Shelter and Self-preservation That Makes Starvation in the Wilderness Next to the Impossible: Originally Published As Living Off the Country" (1969)
* "Wilderness Cookery: Complete Outdoor Meals" (1970)
* "The art and science of talking to the woods" (1970)
* "Skills for taming the wilds: A handbook of woodcraft wisdom" (1972)
* "One Acre and Security How to Live Off the Earth Without Ruining it" (1972)
* "Wildnerness gear you can make yourself" (1973)
* "Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants" (1974)
* "The freighter travel manual" (1974)
* "Survival with Style" (1974)
* "Home book of cooking venison and other natural meats" (1975)
* "Wilderness Wife" (1976)
* "Color field guide to common wild edibles" (1976)
* "The Master Backwoodsman, Back Woods Man, Wilderness Skills and Campcraft for Ventures off the Beaten Path" (1978)
* "Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants" (1978)
* "Home cookbook of wild meat and game" (1982)
* "Looking for Gold: The Modern Prospector's Handbook (Prospecting and Treasure Hunting)" (1975)
* "Camping-on-the-go cookery" (1983)
* "Bradford Angier's Backcountry Basics: Wilderness Skills and Outdoor Know-How" (1983)
* "The Competence Factor: Skills That Make the Difference in Outdoor Sports" (1983)
* "At home in the desert: Surviving and thriving for a day, a week, or a lifetime" (1984)


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