Anna Jean Ayres

Anna Jean Ayres

Anna Jean Ayres (1920-1989) was a developmental psychologist known for her work in the area of sensory integration dysfunction, a term she coined in the 1960s to describe a theory used in occupational therapy. [Colino, Stacey. (February 26 2002) "Problem kid or label?; Some say Sensory Integration Dysfunction is a legitimatediagnosis. Others call it a new name for a familiar behavior." ( [ Article abstract] ) "The Washington Post", Final Edition, Health section.] [cite book | last = Ryan | first = Sally E. | coauthors = Karen Sladyk | title = Ryan's Occupational Therapy Assistant | publisher = SLACK Incorporated| date = 2005| pages = 138 | url =,M1 | isbn = 1556427409] She is the author of several books on the subject, including "Sensory Integration and the Child". Ayres also created several test batteries used to help identify issues related to the dysfunction. [cite book | last = Aquilla | first = Paula | coauthors = Shirley Sutton and Ellen Yack | title = Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration | publisher = Future Horizons| date = 2003| pages = 22 | url = | isbn = 1932565450] According to "Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy" (2005), Ayres' theory and conclusions remain controversial. [cite book | last = Cole | first = Marilyn | title = Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy (Third Edition) | publisher = SLACK Incorporated | date = 2005| pages = 240 | url =,M1 | isbn = 1556426879] A 2002 article in "The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice" reported that controlled studies examining the effect of Sensory Integration treatment "have found little support for the efficacy of SIT for treating children with various developmental disabilities". [cite journal|author=Herbert, James. D |coauthors=Ian R. Sharp and Brandon A Gaudiano. |title=Separating fact from fiction in the etiology and treatment of autism|journal=The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice|url=|volume=Volume 1, Number 1| date=Spring-Summer 2002] "Controversial Therapies for Developmental Disabilities" (2004) indicated that in spite of "limited and mostly negative research findings on SIT", the sensory integration approach remained popular among occupation therapists and "other professionals and clinical populations". [cite book|last=Jacobson | first= John W. |coauthors=Richard M. Foxx and James A. Mulick |title=Controversial Therapies for Developmental Disabilities | url=,M1 |pages=335|publisher=Routledge |date=2002| isbn = 080584192X]

Ayres worked at the Institute for Brain Research at the University of California at Los Angeles.


Anna Jean Ayres was born on a Walnut farm in Visalia, California in 1920 to Fletcher Ayres and Louise Stamm, who were both school teachers. [Nancy A. Erwin "A. Jean Ayres; Notes on Her Life"] As she grew up she claimed to have symptoms similar to those of the dysfunction she would later study.The Times Mirror Company; Los Angeles Times. (1989) "Dr. A. Jean Ayres; Led in Treating Neurological Disorder "] Ayres obtained a doctorate in educational psychology and a masters degree in occupational therapy. Following this she began work at the UCLA Brain Research Institute. It was there that her interest and study of Sensory Integration Dysfunction began.

When confronted with patients who complained of experiencing pain when brushing their hair or teeth, Anna Jean Ayres came to the conclusion that the cause was inefficient organization of sensory information within the nervous system. She believed this inefficiency led to a multitude of symptoms including disorganization and learning troubles.

As a therapist, she grappled with neurological abnormalities and the theory of sensory integration. Treatment includes learning the basic processing mechanisms.

For her work in identifying and treating Sensory Integration Dysfunction she received awards from the American Occupational Therapy Association. She was also mentioned by name in the 1971 edition of the Outstanding Educators of America.

In 1976, Ayres founded the Ayres-Clinic in Torrance, California for children being treated by sensory integration therapists.

Ayres died from complication due to cancer on December 16 1989.

elect bibliography

*cite book | last = Ayres | first = A. Jean | coauthors = Philip R. Erwin and Zoe Mailloux | title = Love, Jean: Inspiration for Families Living With Dysfunction of Sensory Integration| publisher = Crestport Press| date = 2004| pages = | isbn = 097250981X (posthumous collection of correspondence)
*cite book | last = Ayres | first = A. Jean | title = Sensory Integration and the Child | publisher = Western Psychological Services| date = 1970| pages = | isbn = 0874244374
*cite book | last = Ayres | first = A. Jean | title = Sensory Integration and Learning Disorders| publisher = Western Psychological Services| date = 1973| pages = | isbn = 0874243033


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