Anders Hans Karlsson

Anders Hans Karlsson

Prof. Anders Hans Karlsson (born July 22, 1959) is a Swedish scientist and agronomist working in Denmark since 1996. Karlsson was born in Västerås, Sweden, and is the son of Hans Valter Karlsson (b. 1931) and Gunvor Agnes Matilda Kyller (b. 1938), and he grow up in the small town Hallstahammar, 2o km west of Västerås, in the province Västmanland.

In 1989 Karlsson received his M.Sc. degree in Agronomy (Animal science and Meat science), and in 1993 he received his Ph.D. degree in Meat Science. Both these degrees was received from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala, Sweden. In January 2004 he was appointed Professor at the University of Copenhagen (KU) in Meat Science. He also act as the Head of the Meat Science Research Section, which is a part of the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Life Sciences in Copenhagen (Frederiksberg C), Denmark. Since 2004 he is the Chairman for the Danish Meat Science Board (Kødforskningsudvalget; see link below).

In 2007, he was appointed by the EU Commission to coordinate a 5-year Integrated Project under the 6th Framework Program titled Q-PorkChains. This projeect is one of the largest initiatives in Food Science ever supported by the EU. The total budget for the project is 20.7 million € (see project link below), of which 15.0 million € comes from EU.


* [ Anders Hans Karlsson home page at Copenhagen University]
* [ Home Page for the EU Integrated Project Q-PorkChains]
* [ Home page for the Danish Meat Science Board - Kødforskningsudvalget]

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