HMS Cambridge (1695)

HMS Cambridge (1695)

HMS "Cambridge" was an 80-gun third rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, launched at Deptford Dockyard on 21 December 1695.

She was rebuilt according to the 1706 Establishment at Woolwich Dockyard, and relaunched on 17 September 1715. During this rebuild, her armament of 80 guns was redistributed over an additional gundeck, to make her a three-decker instead of the two-decker she was originally built as. She continued to be classified as a third rate, however.

"Cambridge" was broken up in 1749.



*Lavery, Brian (2003) "The Ship of the Line - Volume 1: The development of the battlefleet 1650-1850". Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-252-8.

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