Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano

Born May 25, 1968, is an American television news correspondent, security analyst, author and actor. He delivers presentations throughout the United States and Canada on identity theft protection and personal security, including self-defense. Siciliano's thoughts and advice on all these matters appear often in both the televised and print news media.

A sampling of his work includes appearances on United States-based television programming such as "The Today Show," CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CNBC, "Inside Edition," "Tyra Banks Show," "Sally Jesse Show," "Montel Williams," "Maury Povich Show," "Gayle King Show" and the "Howard Stern Show." In addition, he has been quoted extensively in American news print publications such as "USA Today", "Forbes", "Cosmopolitan", "Good Housekeeping", "New York Times", "Los Angeles Times", "Washington Times", "Chicago Tribune", "Boston Globe", and "Entrepreneur". Furthermore, news wire services such as The Associated Press, United Press International, and Reuters frequently turn to him for his views.


Early YearsRobert Siciliano grew up in and around Boston, Massachusetts, learning at an early age that self-defense was key through his experiences of urban crime. He studied several forms of defensive training from different sources, and began his career of helping others improve their personal safety.

1993As the world grew more technical, a new breed of predators, muggers and thieves went virtual, and attacked their marks anonymously. Siciliano's life and business was again victimized by multiple attackers in the form of criminal hacking and credit card fraud. Personal security now, meant more than physical self defense. This set the tone for the next 15 years.

1996Drawing on life experience Siciliano wrote his first book on the fundamentals of self defense.The release and publication of "The Safety Minute" attracted numerous media inquiries in all its forms. Talk show host Montel Williams was the first to broadcast Siciliano nationally. Show producers worked with Siciliano to develop scenarios where he would socially engineer his way into resident’s homes in Elizabethtown New Jersey posing as a utility worker. The scam worked 100% of the time proving how vulnerable citizens are to someone conning them with a fake ID, uniform and conjured scenario.

2000By the turn of the century Siciliano had been invited to offer his expertise on many additional talkshows on such subjects as home invasion prevention, spousal abuse, rape prevention, stalking and non-lethal weaponry.

2001After the tragedys of September 11th, Siciliano was invited to offer commentary as a breaking news correspondent in regards to many security issues with various networks. With no shortage of violence to feed the news media, Siciliano was commenting on school shootings, terrorist hoaxes, workplace violence, privacy issues, child abductions, and travel security.

2002Studies began to appear regarding the rise in identity theft and computer crimes. Siciliano, a personal security advisor with a penchant for technology began to hear from victims of identity theft requesting assistance in responding to compromised identities. A prior victim himself, he began the quest of educating and informing citizens and businesses on the extent of the crime and predicted an onslaught of identity theft and data breaches in the coming years. As the crime soared, media inquiries poured in.


Siciliano is the author of two books:

1) The Safety Minute: How to be safe in the streets at home and abroad so you can save your life! Author Robert Siciliano, Published 1996, by SafetyZone Press, Boston, Ma. ISBN 0-9648126-2-2

2) The Safety Minute: Living on high alert; How to take control of your personal security and prevent fraud. Author Robert Siciliano, Published 2003, by SafetyZone Press, Boston, Ma. ISBN 0-9648126-7-3

In addition, he has been referenced in three:

1) The Safe Travel Book. Author Peter Savage, Published 1993 , Lexington Books, Macmillan Inc. New York, ISBN 0-02-927726-4

2) Laugh and Grow Rich, How to profit from humor in any business. Authors Rick Segel and Darren LaCroix Published 2000, Specific House, Burlington MA, ISBN 0-9674586-0-9

3) Protect Yourself from Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud: Preserving the American Dream of Homeownership. Protect Yourself from Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud: Preserving the American Dream of Homeownership by Ralph R. Roberts. Published 2007, Kaplan Publishing, New York, ISBN 978-1-4277-5479-0

Three books have cited him:

1) 1001 Ways to Market Your Books. Fifth Edition, Author John Kremer, Published 1998, Open Horizons, Fairfield IA, ISBN 0-912411-48-1

2) Away On Business, The human side of corporate travel. Author Gunna Dickson, Published 2007, IUniverse Inc, New York, ISBN 0-595-42378-7

3) Money Talks, How to make a million as a speaker, Author Alan Weiss, Published 1998, McGraw Hill, New York, ISBN-13 978-0-07-069614-0

Additionally, he has helped contribute to the development of five (listed as the author on one of these):

1) Secrets of Successful Exhibiting, Strategies tips and insights. Author Robert Siciliano, Published 1997, Aviva Publishing, Lake Placid NY, ISBN 1-990427-00-4

2) Business Security, Protect your business against threats internally and externally. Author T.A. Brown, Published 2004, Crary Publications, Las Vegas Nevada, ISBN 0-9743438-9-7

3) The For Sale By Owner Handbook. Author Piper Nichole, Published 2005, Career Press, Franklin Lakes NY, ISBN 1-56414-805-X

4) Riches In Niches, How to make it big in a small market. Author Susan Friedman CSP, Published 2007, Career Press, Franklin Lakes NJ, ISBN 13: 978-1-56414-930-5

5) Handling Difficult Patients: Management Tools for Staff Preparedness; A nurse managers guide. by Richard Bryan, Published 2004, HCPro, Inc., Marblehead MA, ISBN 1-57839-374-4

Identity Theft

He is a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist under the guidelines of The Institute of Fraud Risk Management. Internet "how to" VideoJug features Siciliano as their resident Identity Theft Expert. Topics include preventing identity theft, protecting credit and debit cards, computer and laptop protection, protecting information on cell phones and PDAs, understanding the differences between financial and criminal identity theft.

Personal Security

Siciliano developed risk mitigation strategies for Members of the National Association of Realtors(R) and contributes to the Realtor(R)Safety Initiative Team for Realtor(R) Safety Week. He has been Certified as an Instructor for Real Estate Continuing Education.

Nationwide Presentations

Audiences nationwide have attended Siciliano's workshops on identity theft protection and personal security. Among others, these have include the:

United Bankers Bank (,

Massachusetts Association of Realtors (,

Michigan Realtors (,

Industrial Asset Management Council (,

National Association of Credit Managers (

Louisiana State University



Siciliano frequently lends his expertise to the news media as they report on issues related to identity theft (e.g., computer security, Social Security numbers, data breaches) and personal security (e.g., school shootings, rape prevention).

Filmography by type:A full list of Siciliano's appearances on nationally broadcasted news and talk shows, dating back to 1996 on both radio and television, is available at the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) (

Televised News

Following is a representative collection of links to Siciliano's appearances on televised news:

1) Feb. 22, 2007 appearance on CNBC's "Squawk Box" to discuss identity theft security

2) (March 16, 2007 appearance on CNBC's "Squawk Box" to discuss peer-to-peer computer networks as they pertain to data security)

3) (July 6, 2007 appearance on CNBC's "Squawk Box" to discuss security issues surrounding the use of BlackBerrys)

4) (December 28, 2006 appearance on NBC WHDH Boston to discuss burglary prevention and home security)

5) (October 11, 2004 appearance on NBC WHDH Boston to discuss self defense for women in Tougher Target)

6) (October 2007 appearance on The Tyra Banks Show to discuss high tech harassment and cell phone stalking)

7) (January 17, 2008 appearance on NBC Nashville to discuss Hard Drive Containing Voter Info Recovered)

8) (October 8, 2006 appearance on NBC Charlotte NC to discuss Don't Be A Victim: Background checks)

9) (October 2007 appearance on Foxes Mike and Juliet Show How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft)

10) (August 10 2005 appearance on NBC Boston to discuss Celling Your Secrets)

11) (April 15 2005 appearance on NBC Boston to discuss Child Identity Theft

12) (May 30 2005 appearance on NBC Boston to discuss Who's Phishing

13) (January 30 2008 appearance on NBC Boston to discuss Flight risk

14);jsessionid=2279C9707BA9166F60BF8F05EBA7B35B?contentId=2234111&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1 (January 31 2007 appearance on Fox Boston to discuss Suspicious Devices Found in Boston)

15) July 2008 appearance on Tyra Banks Hi Tech Harrasment, Defending Against Cell Phone Stalkers)

16);jsessionid=310431E081C7AE21375419BA1F90C249?contentId=6895777&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1 (July 2008 appearance on Fox Boston to discuss Staying Safe Online)

17) (February 2007 Appearance on Fox Boston to discuss Control Your Online Identity)

18),2933,395982,00.html (July 31 2008 Appearance on Fox News to discuss Hackers Stealing Personal Information)

19) (appeared August 7th 2008 on Fox Boston to discuss Credit Card Skimming: Protecting Yourself)

20) (appeared August 2008 on Canada AM Recent arrests in relation to an identity theft ring in the United States are highlighting a problem which has become as profitable as the drug trade)

21) (appreared October 2008 Passengers Report Cases Of Security Going Too Far)


1) (appeared July 22, 2008 Blue Pig Gets Caught Double-dipping)

Print News

Following are links to some of the many print news media articles that have quoted Siciliano:

1),2933,324465,00.html (quoted in Jan. 22 Security Software Tracks Down Stolen PCs)

2),2933,287410,00.html (quoted in June 2007 Getting to Know Online Background Checks

3) (quoted in March 2003 Theres a new Deputy in the Sky)

4) (referenced August 2003 Agents Too Trusting, Says Safety-Minded Association Leader )

5) (quoted December 2007 So many passwords, so many risks)

6),289142,sid14_gci1077406,00.html (quoted April 2005 Taking a swipe at two-factor authentication)

7) (quoted July 2006 Are Credit Watch Services Worthwhile?)

8) (quoted April 2007 Feds' IT Security Performance a Bit Less Dismal)

9) (quoted August 2007 Getting a grip,You can’t stop laptop loss altogether)

10) (quoted April 25, 2005 Wireless Industry Defends RFID for Passports)

11) (quoted June 2005 The Miller Mugging Policy)

12) (quoted December 20, 2007 Phishers and the Secure Password Conundrum)

13) (quoted January 2008 Company offers virtual safe deposit boxes)

14) (quoted August 2007 Facebook Code Leaked on Site)

15) (quoted December 2007 Can 'Legit' Spyware Harm You?)

16) (quoted March 5, 2007 Security for laptops raises concerns as many machines go missing, stolen)

17) (quoted July 26, 2007 Committee Grills LimeWire CEO Over P2P Security)

18) (quoted November 27, 2006 GPS Tracking Adds Layer of Security to Laptops)

19) (quoted July 14, 2006 Public computer exposed Hampton residents' data)

20) (quoted February 21, 2006 Apple Security Woes Deepen)

21) (quoted November 8, 2007 Safety firstCompanies set up precautions against workplace)

22) (quoted August 16, 2006 Laptops' data costly to protect)

23) (quoted in Keep data safe on the road: 12 tips)

24) (quoted April 15, 2007 Danger Signals at Work, and How to Handle Them)

25) (quoted October 29, 2007 Internet scams can drain bank accounts)

26) (referenced in Workplace Facts and Statistics Identity Theft Resource Center)

27) (quoted January 22, 2008 Educating Customers on Security Threats Abroad)

28) (quoted August 12, 2007 Schools are safer places to be)

29) (quoted August 11, 2007 Identity Theft: Prevention Tips)

30) (quoted in Child Identity Theft: How to Secure Your Kids Against the #1 Fastest-Growing Identity Theft)

31) (quoted August 27, 2007 Anti-theft technology)

32) (quoted July 17, 2005 New credit-freeze laws could backfire)

33) (quoted August 2007 Simple safety solution: classroom locks)

34) (quoted November 12, 2007 Scamming The Online Scammers)

35) (quoted May 3, 2005 Security Pros Respond to New Jersey Bank Breach)

36) (quoted April 2005 The Six Things You Need to Know About Executive Protection)

37) (quoted July 29, 2008 Safety experts suggest interior classroom locks)

38) (quoted March 13, 2006 Stop ID theft before it happens)

39) (referenced Safety Week 2007)

40) (referenced April 30, 2007 Facts and StatisticsFind out more about the nation's fastest growing crime)

41),1697,1848225,00.asp (quoted August 15, 2005 Is VOIP Wiretapping a Privacy Threat?)

42) (authored May 8, 2007 WORKPLACE VIOLENCEA Prevention Strategy)

43) (quoted November 11, 2006 Thieves rip off hundreds at pumps)

44) (authored January 3 2006 IDENTITY THEFT Computer-Based Risk & 7 Ways to Prevent It)

45) (quoted in What Do You Need to Know About Online Banking?)

46) (quoted September 26, 2007 Life in the fast lane Registered traveller programs)

47) (quoted July 10, 2005 Children targeted in surging numbersPristine credit is top temptation)

48) (quoted April 8, 2005 ONLINE BILL PAYING CAN SAVE TIME)

49) (authored January 2007 Using Good Data Security As A Marketing Tool)

50) (quoted March 17, 2005 Global gangs are infiltrating our computers)

51) (quoted in Be a Man Dammit!)

52) (columnist from March 2002 to December 2005)

53) (referenced February 2, 2008 Wife works to restore husband's identity)

54) (quoted February 5, 2008 The Cost of ID Theft, Part 1: Beyond Dollars and Cents)

55) (quoted February 2008 Is Your College Student Safe at School?)

56) (quoted February 2008 Campus violence too common in U.S., experts say)

57) (quoted February 2008 This year, get "obsessed with shredding")

58) (quoted February 2008 A New Workforce is Brewing)

59),0,5135992.story (quoted March 2008 State halts online registration)

60) (quoted March 2008 Is your home a security risk?)

61) (quoted April 2008 U.S. Lacks Gov't Agency To Stop ID Thefts)

62) April 2008 Stealing the Future: How to Protect Your Child from an Identity Thief)

63) (quoted April 2008 Tempe woman in identity theft nightmare)

64) (quoted May 2008All the elements for identity theft ... except a thief)

65) (quoted May 2008 Victim turns trauma to triumph)

66) (quoted June 2008 Dealing with ID theft can be expensive, emotionallydraining and time-consuming)

67) (quoted June 2008 An Unseen Threat: Protecting Yourself From Low-Tech ID Theft)

68) (quoted June 2008 Stolen Medical Records can Haunt Victims for Life)

69) (quoted July 9, In the Face of Tragedy, Human Resource Executive)

70)$1-Billion.html (quoted july 16, 2008 Costs Attributable to Laptop Theft Are Projected to Exceed $1 Billion)

71) (quoted June 2005 How Ready Are We?)

72) (quoted July 29 Fraud, identity theft reports surface in Dolly's wake)

73),2933,395982,00.html (quoted July 31 2008 Fox News Hackers Stealing Personal Information)

74) (quoted August 7 FBI tackles largest hacking case in U.S. history)

75) (quoted August 7 Stars and Stripes ID thefts at England Air Force bases total $70G)

76) quoted Augsut 7 Better Business Bureau Another Reason to Worry at the Pump??)

77) (quoted August 7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Computer Hackers)

78) (quoted Sept 2008, Credit card shaving: Scammers go low-tech with trick)

79) (quoted Sept 2 2008, Is that patient who he claims to be?)

80) (quoted Sept 2008, Credit card shaving: Scammers go low-tech with trick)

81) (quoted Sept 2008 Bankers Take On Hackers Popularity of online banking creates a security challenge)

82) (quoted Sept 2008 Staying Safe on Campus - Do You Know What to Do?)

83) (quoted Sept 2008 Crimes of the chartUntil government and industry get serious about fighting medical identity theft, patients have few options for limiting exposure)

84) (appreared October 2008 Passengers Report Cases Of Security Going Too Far)

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