Magnus S. Ronningen

Magnus S. Ronningen

Magnus S. Rønningen (born Lillehammer 1979) is a Norwegian journalist, former party promoter, screen writer and author.

Was hired straight out of high-school as a journalist for Dagbladet, one of Norway's largest newspaper with a daily readership of approx. 1 million.

In 2005 he won bronse in a Nordic Newsdesign competition for the magazine FREDAG, that he remade with his editor Eivind Eidslott.

His combination of 33% cocky attitude, 33% talent, 33% relentless work ethic and 100% good looks (as he would have phrased it himself) and a string of high-profile stories from the entertainment world of Norway quickly made him one of the most famous/infamous writers in the country.

Ronningen moved to Los Angeles in 2004. He has in later interviews stated that his ambitions are within the business of movie producing.

Was a guest at the infamous MTV-party at Shore Club in Miami that culiminated in the shooting of Suge Night [] , on the 27th of August 2005. .

Covered Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans [] for Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.

In 2006 a script he co-wrote with platinum-selling rapper Esben "Danish" Selvig (of the group Klovner i Kamp), received funding from the Norwegian Filmfund [] .

With his business partner, Thomas "The Finger" Gullestad, Ronningen has thrown some of the most high-profile parties in Norway. In the duration of 2007 they teamed up with the following international celebrities to host parties in Oslo and Trondheim: Snoop Dogg, Tommy Lee, Timbaland and Pussycat Dolls.

Voted one of Norway's 12 hottest guys by Norwegian magazine Woman in 2007 [] .

On the 2nd of July 2007 Magnus S. Ronningen and a visiting friend, the American billionaire and Bebe-founder Manny Mashouf, where headed for the Norwegian Quart-festival in Kristiansand when their sea plane had to make an emergency landing [] - making headlines nationwide.

His joint-birthday party with party-partner DJ The Finger have escalted into an annual and national event. In 2007 over 4000 people attended five birthdays parties held in five Norwegian cities (Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger and Tromso) on five consecutive days in December 2007 [] .

Close friends with renowned polar explorer and Rolex-icon Erling Kagge, Turbonegro bassist Happy-Tom aka Thomas Seltzer and author of The Dirt, Neil Strauss [] .

On the 26th of July 2008 Ronningen announced his debut book "Oppskriften" aka "The Recipe" - a self biography camouflaged as a self improvement book with the purpose of helping it's readers to make the most out of their life. It will be released in Norway mid October 2008.

In late September 2008 Ronningen along with Neil Strauss and renowned polar explorer and Tibet activist Inge Solheim [] will be attempting to reach "The Forbidden Kingdom" aka The Kingdom of Lo in the high mountains between Nepal and Tibet.

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