Enzio von Pfeil

Enzio von Pfeil

Enzio von Pfeil has been a commercial economist throughout his working life. Having studied under Friedrich von Hayek in Germany, his PhD was on direct investments. He spent many years as a treasury economist for JP Morgan and Schroders in New York and London, and as a private banker in Istanbul. He became Chief Economist of Smith New Court Far East, which now belongs to Merrill Lynch, and moved to Hong Kong in 1989. Subsequently, S.G. Warburg, Clarion Capital and ABN-AMRO asked him to become their Chief Economist. For some years, Enzio has run his own macro advisory firm, Commercial Economics Asia. Enzio has also created an online version of his proprietary [http://www.enziosclock.com/economic/clock The Economic Clock] at [http://www.enziosclock.com Enzio's Clock] . From an Asian perspective, using his seasoned knowledge of global markets, he takes key economic indicators and filters them down to concise, commercially applicable information for investors of all sizes.

Dr. von Pfeil has lived off his own bond portfolio for the past seven years, and increasingly is managing his clients’ assets on a managed account basis.

He has written the following books:
* 1990 Effective Control of Currency Risks : A Practical, Comprehensive Guide, Macmillan, London and St. Martin’s Press, New York
* 1984 German Direct Investments in the United States, JAI, Greenwich, Connecticut
* 1979 Deutsche Direktinvestitionen in den USA, Knapp, Frankfurt

His next book, [http://www.trademyths.com Trade Myths] , has been already published on August 2008.

He contributes regularly to Bloomberg Television UK (i.e. worldwide) and Germany (in German), as well as to CNBC.

External Links:
* [http://www.enziosclock.com Enzio's Clock]
* [http://www.trademyths.com Trade Myths]

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