Regine Hildebrandt

Regine Hildebrandt

Regine Hildebrandt (April 26 1941 - November 26 2001), born as Regine Radischewski in Berlin, Germany, was a German biologist and politician (Social Democratic Party of Germany). She studied from 1959 to 1964 biology at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin.

In 1978 she was awarded a doctorate for research on medicines. This was completed while she was working for the pharmaceutical industry. She was then appointed to a leading position at the centre for the study of diabetics. [ [ Regine Hildebrandt - Obituaries, News - ] ]

The summer of 1989 brought a dramatic change in her life when she, together with her husband, Jorg, was among the co-founders of Democracy Now, which sought an alliance of Christians and critical Marxists "to think about our future, to think about a society based on solidarity". [ [ Regine Hildebrandt - Obituaries, News - ] ]

She was awarded the Fritz Bauer Prize in 2000. On her 60th birthday, she was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.


She died at the age of 60 on November 26 2001 in Berlin of breast cancer.


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