

name = Amathinidae

image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
subclassis = Orthogastropoda
superordo = Heterobranchia
ordo = Heterostropha
superfamilia = Pyramidelloidea
familia = Amathinidae
familia_authority = Ponder, 1987

Amathinidae, is a taxonomic family of mostly small and minute sea snails, marine heterobranch gastropod molluscs or micromolluscs. It presently comprises less than 100 recent and fossil species divided into seven genera: Amathina, Amathinoides, Carinorbis, Cyclothyca, Iselica, Leucotina, and, Phasianema. Two additional genera, Faluniella and Plicifer may also be a part of Amathinidae. Together with Pyramidellidae, Ebalidae, Turbonillidae, Odostomidae and otherb genera they are forming the superfamily Pyramidelloidea. Little is known on the biology of the group, but some data on the anatomy and systematic position is given by Ponder (1987) and Huber (1993).

Genera of the family Amathinidae

Taxonomy of Schander, Van Aartsen & Corgan (1999)

*Genus Amathina J. E. Gray, 1842
*Genus Amathinoides Sacco, 1896
*Genus Carinorbis Conrad, 1862
*Genus Cyclothyca Stearns, 1861
*Genus Faluniella Cossman, 1921
*Genus Iselica Dall, 1918
*Genus Leucotina A. Adams, 1860
*Genus Phasianema Wood, 1842
*Genus Plicifer H. Adams, 1868

Possible additional genera in the family Amathinidae

*Genus Faluniella Cossmann, 1921
*Genus Plicifer H. Adams, 1868


The shells are usually flat without coiling. They usually have strong axial ribs. Ponder described gigant neurons in the cerebral ganglion.


* cite journal
author = Huber, G.
year = 1993
title = On the cerebral nervous system of marine Heterobranchia (Gastropoda)
journal = Journal of Molluscan Studies
volume =59
issue =
pages = 381–420
issn =
doi =

* cite journal
author = Ponder, W. F.
year = 1987
title = The anatomy and relationships of the pyramidellacean limpet Amathina tricarinata (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
journal = Asian Marine Biology
volume = 4
issue =
pages = 1–34
issn =
doi =

* cite journal
author = Schander, C., van Aartsen, J. J., Corgan, J. C.
year = 1999
title = Families and genera of the Pyramidelloidea (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
journal = Bollettino Malacologico
volume =34
issue = 9-12
pages = 145–166
issn =
doi =

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