Risk of mortality

Risk of mortality

The risk of mortality (ROM) provides a medical classification to estimate the likelihood of inhospital death for a patient. The ROI classes are minor, moderate, major, and extreme. The ROM class is used for the evaluation of patient mortality.

ee also

* Case mix index
* Diagnosis codes
* Severity of illness


* Alemi, F.,J. Rice, and R. Hankins. 1990. "Predicting In-Hospital Survival of Myocardial Infarction." Medical Care 28 (9): 762-75.
* Averill, R. F., J. H. Muldoon, J. C. Vertrees, N. I. Goldfield, R. L. Mullin, E. C. Fineran, M. Z. Zhang, B. Steinbeck, and T. Grant, "The Evolution of Casemix Measurement Using Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)" 3M HIS Working Paper. Wallinford, CT: 3M Health Information Systems, 1997
* Iezzoni, L. I., M. Shwartz, A. S. Ash, J. S. Hughes, J. Daley, and Y. D. Mackiernan, "Severity Measurement Methods and Judging Hospital Death Rates for Pneumonia", Medical Care 34 (1): 11-28, 1996

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