The Association for Technology Implementation in Europe (TAFTIE) is a group of 19 organisations from 19 different European countries which works on establishing an intense collaboration in the field of the implementation of the national technology Programmes in each country.

Through TAFTIE the national organizations can learn best practices form an analysis of each others affairs. In addition the organizations enables the national organizations to collaborate at a European level.


* Agencia de Inovacao (Portugal)
* CDTI (Spain)
* CTI KTI (Switzerland)
* ENEA (Italy)
* Enterprise Estonia (Estonia)
* Enterprise Ireland (Ireland)
* FFG (Austria)
* IWT (Belgium)
* KPI (Hungary)
* OSEO (France)
* Pera (UK)
* RANNIS) (Iceland)
* Research Council of Norway (Norway)
* SenterNovem) (Netherlands)
* Tekes (Finland)
* TIA (Slovenia)
* TTGV) (Turkey)
* VDI VDE-IT (Germany)
* VINNOVA (Sweden)

ee also

* Lisbon Strategy
* Bologna process
* European Research Area (ERA)
* Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development


* [http://www.cdti.es/index.asp?MP=9&MS=141&MN=3 TAFTIE] (Spanish)
* [http://conference.imp-lore.org/statements/presentations/Narfelt.pdf Conference] (2007)

External links

* [http://www.taftie.org TAFTIE]

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