Universal Synod of Ingelheim

Universal Synod of Ingelheim

The Universal Synod of Ingelheim began on June 7, 948 in the then church of Saint Remigius in Ingelheim.Being summoned by Pope Agapet II. its primary goal was to resolve a long running Schism concerning the archiepiscopal see of Reims. The synod was presided by Marinus of Bomarzo, then the Roman Church's librarian. In the run up to the convocation there were two earlier synods, in Verdun in November 947 and in Mouzon in the beginning of 948, both considering the same problem but unable to resolve it.


Since 931 the archiepiscopal see was claimed by Hugh of Vermandois and Artald of Reims. Hugh was supported by his uncle, Hugh the Great while Artald was favoured by both Louis IV. and Otto the Great. The aforementioned appeared at the synod "in persona" while Hugh was absent and not even substituted for. Thus, the synod's outcome was predictable and in fact it ruled that the see was to be given to Artald.

Aside of this main issue the synod had also to decide on the founding of missionary dioceses in Scandinavia, this fact being the reason for the attendance of the bishops Liopdgad of Ripen, Oredo of Schleswig and Reginbrand of Aarhus. Another issue was to restrict the ottonic proprieritary church system.


Being attained by the two kings of East and West Francia, 32 archbishops and bishops as well as other clerical dignitaries this synod was one of the most important assemblies being held in Ingelheim and one of the climaxes in Ingelheim's importance as one of the political centres of the empire.


Apart from Louis, Otto and Marinus Regesta Imperii mentions the following participants:
#Frederick of Mainz
#Ruotbert of Trier,
#Wicfrid von Köln,
#Artald, Archbishop of Reims,
#Adaldag of Hamburg,
#Herold of Salzburg,
#Richgowo of Worms,
#Ulrich of Augsburg,
#Bernhard of Halberstadt,
#Diethard of Hildesheim,
#Konrad of Konstanz,
#Starcand of Eichstätt,
#Dudo of Paderborn,
#Reginbald of Speyer,
#Bobbo of Würzburg,
#Adalbert of Metz,
#Gozlin of Toul,
#Berengar of Verdun,
#Balderich of Utrecht,
#Dodo of Osnabrück,
#Eberis of Minden,
#Hildbold of Münster,
#Varaberd of Tungern,
#Fulbert of Cambrai,
#Raoul of Laon,
#Michael of Regensburg,
#Adalbert of Passau,
#Liopdag of Ripen,
#Oredo of Schleswig,
#Reginbrand of Aarhuus,
#Wichard of Basel (questionable)


* Pertz, G.H. (Hrsg.): "Monumenta Historica Germaniæ" (= MGH LL 2), p. 19ff., Hannover, 1837.
* Flodoard: "Annals"
* Flodoard von Reims, Stratmann, Martina (Hrsg): "Historia Remensis Ecclesiæ", (= MGH SS XXXVI), Liber IV cap. XXXV (=S. 428ff.), Hannover 1998
* Hehl, Dieter (Hrsg.): "Die Konzilien Deutschlands und Reichsitaliens 916-1001" (= MGH Conc 6/1), p. 135ff., Hannover 1987
* Böhmer, J. F: "Regesta Imperii II. Sächsisches Haus 919-1024. 5: Papstregesten 911-1024" Böhmer, Johann Friedrich; Zimmermann, Harald (Bearb.). Wien [u.a.] , 1998
* ibid: RI II 5 n. 218 sowie RI II 1, 1 n. 166a

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