- Hsiao-Lan Kuo
Hsiao-Lan Kuo (
Traditional Chinese : 郭曉嵐,Simplified Chinese : 郭晓岚,Pinyin : Guō Xiǎolán) (1915-2006), or GUO Xiaolan, was a prominentChinese American mathematician,meteorologist [ [http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/06/060515.kuo.shtml Hsiao-Lan Kuo, meteorologist, 1915-2006] ] . He was a recipient of theCarl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal [List of Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal winners] .Career
Born in Mancheng Village,
Hebei Province on Feb 7, 1915, Kuo obtained his B.Sc fromTsinghua University (1937), M.Sc fromZhejiang University (1942), andPhD from theUniversity of Chicago USA (1948).1949-1961, Kuo worked as a research associate, later a senior specialist, and finally the project director on the Hurricane Project at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology .He was Professors Emeritus at the Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago.Kuo was an academician of
Academia Sinica (1988 election).Works
Kuo developed important mathematical tools to describe the complex circulation patterns of atmospheric activity. He helped to mathematically model the birth of a
hurricane . Many scholars comment that Kuo's work is an important part of the theoretical foundation for modern meteorology [ [http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/06/060515.kuo.shtml Comments] “Hsiao-Lan’s research is an important part of the theoretical foundation for much of modern meteorology,” “a brilliant scholar whose research inspired his students and fellow scientists with its keen physical insights, buttressed by mathematical argument.” ] . He is considered as a member of the "Chicago School of Meteorology", which started fromCarl-Gustaf Rossby [ [http://geosci.uchicago.edu/about/history.shtml University of Chicago - Department of Geophysical Sciences: History] ] .For this reason, in 1970, Kuo was awarded the
Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal , from theAmerican Meteorological Society (AMS), which is the highest honour for atmospheric science [ [http://www.ametsoc.org/ American Meteorological Society] Homepage] [ [http://www.ametsoc.org/awards/awarddescriptions.html AMS Award Descriptions] ] .The "Rayleigh-Kuo theorem" or "Rayleigh-Kuo Criterion" is named after him [ “It goes by the name of the Rayleigh-Kuo theorem, and it’s a very well-known theorem among our peers,” by N.Nakamura] .
ee also
Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal References
* Obituary notice: [http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/06/060515.kuo.shtml Hsiao-Lan Kuo, meteorologist, 1915-2006] (English)
* "Britannica": [http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-325064/Hsiao-lan-Kuo Hsiao-lan Kuo (Chinese-American meteorologist)] (English)
* [http://www.cma.gov.cn/qxkj/qklw/qxxb/t20060901_155801.phtml A memorial of professor Guo Xiaolan] (English)
* Chinese Obituary: [http://www.networkchinese.com/region/tw/06061201.html 郭晓岚院士去世] (Chinese)
* [http://baike7.com/baike/%B4%F3%C6%F8%BF%C6%D1%A7-%BA%A3%D1%F3%BF%C6%D1%A7-%CB%AE%CE%C4%BF%C6%D1%A7_%B9%F9%CF%FE%E1%B0.html] Kuo's biography (Chinese)
* [http://kepu.ccut.edu.cn/100k/read-htm-tid-6894-fpage-4.html 郭晓岚教授对大气科学的杰出贡献——悼念郭晓岚先生逝世] , Kuo's contributions to meteorology (Chinese)
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