Girolamo Campagna

Girolamo Campagna

Girolamo Campagna (born in Verona, 1552; died about 1623 or 1625) was a Northern Italian sculptor.

He studied under Jacopo Sansovino and Danese Cattaneo, and completed many of the latter's works. He was responsible for the figure of Doge Leonardo Loredano on the tomb which Cattaneo made in Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice. After his master's death, Campagna went to Padua where he secured the commission intended for Cattaneo in the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua. This was his masterpiece, a bas-relief of the saint bringing back to life a man who had been murdered.

Some years later Campagna made another trip to Padua and wrought the bronze tabernacle for the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. The greater part of his life was spent in Venice, and there we have the majority of his works: the statues of St. Francis and St. Clare bearing the "ostensorium" at Santa Maria dei Miracoli; that of St. Justina of Padua over the door of the Arsenal, commemorating the Battle of Lepanto (1571), which occurred on her feast-day (7 October), during Campagna's lifetime; the colossal St. Sebastian at the Zecca; the figures of the Virgin Mary, the Archangel Gabriel and patron saints of Venice, in relief on the Ponte di Rialto; the group in bronze of Christ on a globe, supported by the Four Evangelists at San Giorgio Maggiore. He also made terracotta figures in San Zulian and worked in the Frari. In Verona there is an Annunciation over the portal of the old Palazzo del Consiglio and a Madonna at the Collegio dei Mercatanti.


*Perekins, "Historical Handbook of Italian Sculpture" (New York, 1883).
*Catholic|Girolamo Campagna

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