

Stemagen is a corporation headed by Dr. Samuel Wood, notable for cloning adult skin cells. [Macrae, Fiona [ "Ethical storm as scientist becomes first man to clone HIMSELF"] Daily Mail ] [Ricks, Delthia [,0,2354566.story?coll=ny-news-columnists "Scientists make human embryo clone"]] [Prinewswire [ "Stemagen First to Create Cloned Human Embryos From Adult Cells"] Jan. 17, 2008 Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News] On January, 2008, Wood and Andrew French, Stemagen's chief scientific officer in California, announced that they successfully created the first 5 mature human embryos using DNA from adult skin cells, aiming to provide a less-controversial source of viable embryonic stem cells.Somers, Terri [ "Biotech Stemagen fused skin and egg to clone embryo"] The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 18, 2008 ] Dr. Wood and a colleague donated skin cells, and DNA from those cells was transferred to human eggs. It is not clear if the embryos produced would have been capable of further development, but Dr. Wood stated that if that were possible, using the technology for reproductive cloning would be both unethical and illegal. The 5 cloned embryos, created in Stemagen Corporation lab, in La Jolla, were later destroyed. [Weiss, Rick [ "Mature Human Embryos Created From Adult Skin Cells"]]

Dr. Wood and five other researchers published their findings in the online research journal "Stem Cells", in an article entitled "Development of Human cloned Blastocyst Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) with Adult Fibroblasts." [French, Andrew J., Cathrine A. Adams et. al [ "Development of Human cloned Blastocyst Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) with Adult Fibroblasts"] "Stem Cells" published by AlphaMed Press January 17, 2008. DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2007-0252]

See also

*Dr. Samuel Wood
* [ Stemagen] Corporation
*Human cloning


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