- Eros (album)
Infobox Album |
Name = Eros
Artist =Deftones
Type = studio
Released = Early 2009
Recorded = April – August 2008
Label = Warner Bros.
Producer =Terry Date
Genre =
Length =
Reviews =
Last album = "Saturday Night Wrist " (2006)
This album = "Eros" (2009)
Next album ="Eros" is the forthcoming sixth studio album by American
alternative metal bandDeftones , set to be released in early 2009. [http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=105215 "Deftones: Performance Footage Of New Song Posted Online"] "Blabbermouth.net ". Retrieved on September 23, 2008.]Background
Deftones have been writing the album since Fall 2007. Vocalist Chino Moreno has described the album as weird, unorthodox, featuring a lot of atmosphere and soundscaping, and having "fuck you, I hope you die!" style aggression. He has also stated that he won't be contributing on guitar, focusing on vocals alone and leaving guitar duties entirely to Stephen Carpenter. The band started recording the album on April 14th with producer
Terry Date , who also produced the band's first four albums, most recently Deftones in 2003.Moreno has stated that this album will be more up-tempo, as opposed to their recent releases which he describes as mid-tempo - explaining simply that Abe Cunningham has been playing faster. He also referred to the album as being "snappy". Moreno stated in an interview that the process for this album has been more raw and simplified after dissatisfaction with the long and "pieced-together" experience of recording
Saturday Night Wrist . [cite web|author=Graff, Gary|date=May 23 ,2007 |title=Deftones Get Busy On New CD, Moreno Revives Team Sleep|publisher=Billboard.com |url=http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/search/google/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003589589 |accessdate=2007-12-12]In a recent article in "Kerrang!" magazine, Chino stated: "The songs are definitely weird, which is a breath of fresh air to me. I haven't been playing guitar on these new songs so Steph [Carpenter] has taken up the helm and that's worked out really well. He's been very creative has been writing very weird, melodic stuff. That's great because I want the album to be as weird as we can possibly make it without completely alienating people. If I had to compare it to any of our records, then I think it probably reminds me of White Pony the most. There's a lot of atmosphere and a lot of soundscaping. I couldn't feel better about it at the moment. In fact, I'd say that our working relationship is better than it's ever been before. As a result, everything has improved, our friendships and our lives. We're all really happy now. Over the last few years, a lot of the band members have had a few problems–divorces, money problems, life–and it has just been an unhappy time. We've all come out of that now. I hate to talk like its all rainbows and sunshine over here, but it is!...Having rediscovered our friendships, everything became worthwhile again. Every day just gets better and better now." [cite web|author=Kerrang|date=
January 9 ,2008 |title="What To Look Forward To In 2008"|publisher=Kerrang.com|url=http://bp3.blogger.com/_AWXerhOHzHU/R4UXpWPrwzI/AAAAAAAAAB8/veC7D50Zsm4/s1600-h/deftones.jpg|accessdate=2008-01-09]The band have begun releasing in-studio clips on their blog, which will be updated every Friday.
The band debuted one new song on September 18th in Los Angeles, entitled "Melanie".
Tentative songs
* "Trempest" [http://deftonesinstudio.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html]
* "Melanie" [cite web|author=YouTube|date=September 19 ,2008 |title="Melanie"|publisher=NoeDeftonicBoy|url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqp0clUPXFk |accessdate=2008-09-19]References
External links
* [http://www.deftonesinstudio.blogspot.com Official Deftones Blog]
* [http://www.deftones.com Official Deftones Website]
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