Isabella of Ibelin (1252-1282)

Isabella of Ibelin (1252-1282)

Isabelle d'Ibelin (1252-1282), lady of Beirut from 1264 until her death, queen of Cyprus, daughter of Jean d'Ibelin (died 1264), lord of Beirut, and of Alix de la Roche sur Ognon.

She married :
#in 1265 Hugh II, king of Cyprus (1252 - 1267)
#in 1272 Haymo Létrange (died 1273), lord of Beirut
#in 1276 Nicolas l'Alleman (died 1267), lord of Caesarea and of Beirut
#Guillaume Berlais (died 1304), lord of Beirut

However, none of these marriages produced issue and so, on her death, the lordship of Beirut passed to her younger sister Eschive d'Ibelin.

s-ttl|title=Lady of Beirut|years=1264 - 1282
regent1=Hugh II of Cyprus|years1=1265-1267
regent2=Haymo Létrange|years2=1272-1273
regent3=Nicolas l'Alleman|years3=1276-1277
regent4=Guillaume Berlais|years4=1278-1282


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