

infobox software
name = ARToolKit

genre = 3D graphics
latest_release_version = 2.72.1
operating_system = Cross-platform
license = GNU GPL/ARToolKit Commercial Dual license
website =

ARToolKit is a software library that allows for the creation of augmented reality applications. To do this, it uses video tracking capabilities in order to calculate the real camera position and orientation relative to physical markers in real time. It is being developed at the University of Washington HIT Lab.


* Single camera position/orientation tracking.
* Tracking code that uses simple black squares.
* The ability to use any square marker patterns.
* Easy camera calibration code.
* Fast enough for real time AR applications.
* Free and open source.

Operating systems

It is available for SGI IRIX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux-based systems.

pinoffs and related

* [ OSGART] - a combination of ARToolKit and OpenSceneGraph
* [ ARTag] - recently-created alternative to ARToolKit that uses more complex image processing and digital symbol processing for reliability and resistance to light. Only licensed for non-commercial purposes.
* [ ARToolKitPlus] - extended version of ARToolKit, only targeted to handheld users and developers of AR-oriented software. No longer developed.
* [ Studierstube Tracker] - Successor of ARToolKitPlus, many new features, but not free anymore.
* [ Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRT)] - University College London

External links

* [ ARToolkit]
* [ Project page] at
* [ Project page] at Launchpad
* [ Web forum]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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