

WorkVitamins is a methodology developed by the Tokyo-based Dutch architect Martin van der Linden. The methodology aims at integrating concepts of strategic management, branding, behavioural science, organization theory, psychology and sociology into the design of the work environment. The idea is that the office, when designed using the WorkVitamins approach can act as a catalyst of change, motivation and improve productivity in the work environment.

The methodology consists of four distinctive steps:

1. Creation of a strategic vision for the workplace,

2. Analyzing the current work environment by means of questionnaires, observation and interviews,

3. Reviewing this analysis while focussing on the gaps between the first and second steps,

4. Implementing a change programme to narrow these gaps.


Jackson, J. (2001). "eBusiness and Workplace Redesign". London, Routledge.

van der Linden, M. (2006). "Design the last Frontier". Fredericton, University of Brunswick.

van der Linden, M. (2007). "The Post-Telework condition". Lillehammer, University of Brunswick.

Veldhoen, E. (1995). "Kantoren bestaan niet meer. The demise of the office." Rotterdam, 010 Publishers.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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