[T. H. Gronwall: Note on the derivative with respect to a parameter of the solutions of a system of differential equations, Ann. of Math 20 (1919), 292–296.] The integral form was proven by Richard Bellman in 1943. [Richard Bellman, The stability of solutions of linear differential equations, Duke Math. J. 10 (1943), 643–647.] ] Differential form
Let "I" denote an interval of the real line of the form ["a",∞) or ["a","b"] or ["a","b") with "a" < "b". Let "β" and "u" be real-valued continuous functions defined on "I". If "u" is differentiable in the interior "I"o of "I" (the interval "I" without the end points "a" and possibly "b") and satisfies the differential inequality
then "u" is bounded by the solution of the corresponding differential equation:
for all "t" in "I".
Remark: There are no assumptions on the signs of the functions "β" and "u".
If :is the solution of :with "v"("a") = 1, then "v"("t") > 0 for all "t", so:for "t">"a", so :which is Gronwall's inequality.
Integral form for continuous functions
Let "I" denote an interval of the real line of the form ["a",∞) or ["a","b"] or ["a","b") with "a" < "b". Let "α", "β" and "u" be real-valued functions defined on "I". Assume that "β" and "u" are continuous and that the negative part of "α" is integrable on every closed and bounded subinterval of "I".
*(a) If "β" is non-negative and if "u" satisfies the integral inequality:::then::
*(b) If, in addition, the function "α" is constant, then
* There are no assumptions on the signs of the function "α" and "u".
* Compared to the differential form, differentiability of "u" is not needed for the integral form.
* For a version of Grönwall's inequality which doesn't need continuity of "β" and "u", see the version in the next section.
(a) Define
Using the product rule, the chain rule, the derivative of the exponential function and the fundamental theorem of calculus, we obtain for the derivative
where we used the assumed integral inequality for the upper estimate. Since "β" and the exponential are non-negative, this gives an upper estimate for the derivative of "v". Since "v"("a") = 0, integration of this inequality from "a" to "t" gives
Using the definition of "v"("t") for the first step, and then this inequality and the functional equation of the exponential function, we obtain
Substituting this result into the assumed integral inequality gives Grönwall's inequality.
(b) If the function "α" is constant, then part (a) and the fundamental theorem on calculus imply that
Integral form with locally finite measures
Let "I" denote an interval of the real line of the form ["a",∞) or ["a","b"] or ["a","b") with "a" < "b". Let "α" and "u" be measurable functions defined on "I" and let "μ" be a locally finite measure on the Borel σ-algebra of "I" (we need "μ"( ["a","t"] ) < ∞ for all "t" in "I"). Assume that "u" is integrable with respect to "μ" in the sense that