

Tav can mean:

* Taw (also written "tav"), a letter of the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets
* Tav (number) (also written "taw" or "taf"), the denotation of a specific transfinite number

TAV can mean:

* TAV, an acronym for "trans-atmospheric vehicle", a class of proposed high-altitude, high-velocity aircraft
* TAV, the airport code for Fiti‘uta, Ta‘ū in American Samoa
* TAV, or The Artists Village, an experimental arts group in Singapore.
* The American View
* Treno Alta Velocità
* TAV, a Mark of protection, a Seal of protection, gifted by God or Jesus Christ, usually on the forehead or center of the breast. The TAV as a Mark or Seal of protection acts much like a shield, protecting the giftee inviolately. Also, the TAV is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, also known as the [http://www.inner.org/hebleter/tav.htm "The Seal of Creation"]

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  • Tav — (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Tav est une lettre de l alphabet hébreu. TAV est l acronyme de Treno ad Alta Velocità (train à grande vitesse en italien). TAV est l acronyme… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • tav. — tav. abbr. tavola …   Dizionario italiano

  • tav — tȃv m DEFINICIJA 1. lingv. dvadeset i drugo (zadnje) slovo hebrejskog alfabeta 2. pov. u hebrejskom obilježavanju oznaka za broj 400 ETIMOLOGIJA hebr. tāw: znak, oznaka …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • tav — vb., præt. af tie …   Dansk ordbog

  • TAV — (Taw; Heb. ת;תָּו), the twenty second and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet; its numerical value is 400. The basic pictographic shape of this letter consisted of two strokes crossing each other ! …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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