GRES Portela

GRES Portela

The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Portela is one of the most traditionals samba schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro.


In the beginning of the 20th century, in Oswaldo Cruz, there was the carnivalesque group of dancers called "Quem Fala de Nós Come Mosca" (Who tells things about us eats flies), of Dona icon [ Portelaweb] ] A dissidence of this carnivalesque group of dancers (called "bloco" in Brazilian Portuguese) surged in 1922 and another "bloco", the "Baianinhas de Osvaldo Cruz" (Baianas of Oswaldo Cruz) was created. And on the other hand, a dissidence of Baianas created the "Conjunto Carnavalesco Osvaldo Cruz" (Ensemble of Carnaval Oswaldo Cruz) in April 11 of 1926.. The founders were from Osvaldo Cruz, but Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Portela was founded, on 412 Portela Road, in the neighborhood of Madureira.

After the victory of the concourse between sambistas in 1929, performed in the house of Zé Espinguela, the "bloco" changes its name to "Quem nos Faz é o Capricho" (Who makes us is caprice). In 1931, when the samba schools are still being determined, the group changes its name again, this time to "Vai como Pode" (Go as you can), a name that without doubt is humbler than the previous one. In 1935, the school was the champion of the first official parade of the city of Rio de icon [ Oficial site] ] pt icon [ Apoteose] ]

The denomination "Vai como Pode" was used until 1935, when, after the Carnaval, on March 1 of 1935, on the occasion of the renovation of the licence of the school in the police, the officer Dulcídio Gonçalves refused to renovate the licence with this name, considering it as vulgar and not dignified for a samba school. The same officer suggested the actual denomination "Grêmio Recreativo e Escola de Samba Portela", to homage the street in Madureira where "sambistas" used to make meetings. The change pleased the community, also because many people used to call previously the school as the "folks from Portela".In 1939, the samba of Paulo da Portela, "Teste ao Samba" (Test for the samba), is considered the first samba-enredo. In the same year, Portlea renovated things by bringing to the parade costumes totally framed to the enredo.

In 1941, after a misunderstanding with the master of ceremonies Manuel Bambã, Paulo da Portela stopped parading. This occurred because Paulo during a long period of time argued that all of the components would parade correctly costumed, dressed with the colors of the school, however on the day of the parade he came back from a presentation in São Paulo, along with Heitor dos Prazeres and Cartola, and all of them were dressed in black and white. With no time to change costumes, they agreed to parade without changing clothes, together, in the samba schools of each one. However in the turn to parade for Portela, Bambã did not authorize that the other two (Heitor and Cartola), for not being from the school and not being correctly dressed, would parade. Actually Bambã already had misunderstandings with Heitor, that once belonged to GRES Portela, and that he already stayed. However, in that epoch many "portelenses" favoured Bambã, because they judged lack of coherency on the part of Paulo da Portela, that argued so much that they should parade with the colours of the school and then parade with black and white. After this, Paulo da Portela never paraded for his school.

In total, GRES Portela conquered 21 titles of Carnaval, being until nowadays the detainer of the largest amount of titles.

Birthplace of the great Brazilian samba composers, such as Monarco, Zé Keti, Casquinha, Manacéa, Candeia, Aldir Blanc, Paulinho da Viola, João Nogueira, Noca da Portela, Colombo, among others, beyond being one of the most traditional samba schools of Brazil, Portela has an important participation in the cultuaral life of the city during the entire year, through the presentations of her Velha Guarda (Brazilian term for the oldest-ones (among a group of people)) and of her prizewinning bateria, among other things. The school's simbol is an eagle that in all the parades is seen in the "abre alas" (Brazilian term for car that opens the samba parade in Carnival) of the school. The Velha Guarda also released an album called Tudo Azul in 1999.

Her bateria - called Tabajara do Samba (Tabajara of Samba) - is characterized mainly by the of the touch of the Surdo de Terceira invented by Sula in the 1940s, and the touch of the boxes with a peculiar frill. It is the most heavy bateria of the Carioca Carnaval and counts on a big number of "surdos" (a type of tambour) of First, Second, and Third. They were masters of GRES Portela: Master Betinho of the foundation in the 1960s, Master Cinco in the 1970s, Master Marçal in the 1980s, Mater Timbó in the 1990s, among others.

More than three decades later, Portela does not know how to win the carnival alone. From 1990, the school suffers many internal problems, that reflected on the parades and on the collocations of the parades. The best moment was in 1995 when the plot "Gosto que me enrosco" (I like when I twist myself) gave the vice-championship to the school of Madureira. In 2005, the worst of all, Portela stayed in 13th place, in the polemic parade where the school was prohibited to use her "Velha Guarda". In 2006, the school recovers and stays in 7th place, and in 2007 with the plot about the 2007 Pan American Games (held in Rio de Janeiro) falls one step, staying in 8th place.


*1935 - O samba dominando o mundo (The samba dominating the world)
*1936 - "The school did not present the plot"
*1937 - O carnaval (The Carnaval)
*1938 - Democracia no samba (Democracy in the samba)
*1939 - Teste ao samba (Test to the samba)
*1940 - Homenagem à justiça (Homage to the justice)
*1941 - Dez anos de glória (Ten years of glory)
*1942 - A vida do samba (The life of the samba)
*1943 - Carnaval de guerra (Carnaval of war)
*1944 - Brasil glorioso (Glorious Brazil)
*1945 - Motivos patrióticos (Patriotic motives)
*1946 - Alvorada do Novo Mundo (Dawn of the New Year)
*1947 - Honra ao mérito (Honour to whom honour is due)
*1948 - Princesa Isabel (Princess Isabel)
*1949 - O despertar de um gigante (The awakening of the giant)
*1950 - Riquezas do Brasil (Riches of Brazil)
*1951 - A volta do filho pródigo (The return of the prodigal son)
*1952 - Brasil de ontem (Brazil of yesterday)
*1953 - Seis datas magnas (Six important dates)
*1954 - São Paulo quatrocentão (Four hundred years of São Paulo)
*1955 - Festas juninas em fevereiro (Festa junina in February)
*1956 - Tesouros do Brasil (Treasures of Brazil)
*1957 - Legados de D. João VI (Ambassadors of Dom João VI)
*1958 - Vultos e efemérides do Brasil (Figures and ephemeris of Brazil)
*1959 - Brasil, panteón de glórias (Brazil, pantheon of glories)
*1960 - Rio, capital eterna do samba (Rio, eternal capital of the samba)
*1961 - Jóias e lendas do Brasil (Jewels and legends of Brazil)
*1962 - Rugendas (Johann Moritz Rugendas)
*1963 - Barão de Mauá e suas realizações (Baron of Mauá and his realizations)
*1964 - O segundo casamento de D. Pedro I (The second marriage of Dom Pedro I)
*1965 - Histórias e tradições do Rio quatrocentão, do Morro Cara de Cão à Praça Onze (Histories and traditions of the four hundred years of Rio, of Morro Cara de Cão do Praça Onze)
*1966 - Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias (Memories of a Sargent of Militias)
*1967 - Tal dia é o batizado (Such day is a baptize)
*1968 - O tronco de ipê (The stem of the ipê-amarelo)
*1969 - Treze naus (Thirteen vessels)
*1970 - Lendas e mistérios da Amazônia (Legends and mysteries of the Amazon)
*1971 - Lapa em três tempos (Lapa in three periods)
*1972 - Ilu Ayê
*1973 - Pasárgada, o amigo do rei (Pasargadae, the friend of the king)
*1974 - O mundo melhor de Pixinguinha (The best world of Pixinguinha)
*1975 - Macunaína
*1976 - O homem do Pacoval (The men of the banana plantation)
*1977 - Festa da Aclamação (Party of the Aclamação)
*1978 - Mulher à brasileira (Brazilian woman)
*1979 - Incrível, fantástico, estraordinário (Incredible, fantastic, extraordinary)
*1980 - Hoje tem marmelada (Today there is marmalade)
*1981 - Das maravilhas do mar, fez-se o resplendor de uma noite (From the marvels of the sea, the splendors of the night were made)
*1982 - Meu Brasil brasileiro (My Brazilian Brazil)
*1983 - A ressureição das coroas - reisado, reino e reinado (The resurrection of the coronations - celebration of Epiphany, kingdom, and reign)


Championships and Awards

Portela is the recordist samba school of Carnaval titles of Rio de Janeiro, being champion for 21 times: 1935, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1951 (UGESB), 1953, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1970, 1980, and 1984. The vice-championship was conquered in the following years: 1937, 1949, 1950, 1956, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1982, 1983, and 1995.

The school accumulates a total of 45 trophies Estandarte de Ouro, prize conceded by the newspaper O Globo:

*1972: Bateria
*1973: Feminine notability (Tia Vicentina)
*1974: Ala (of baianas) and master of ceremonies (Bagdá)
*1975: Samba-enredo
*1976: School
*1977: Standard-bearer (Vilma Nascimento) and feminine dancer (Nega Pelé)
*1978: Standard-bearer (Vilma Nascimento) and masculine dancer (Jerônimo)
*1979: School, samba-enredo, ala (velha-guarda), standard-bearer (Vilma Nascimento), feminine dancer (Denise) and masculine dancer (Marcelo)
*1980: School, communication with the public and feminine dancer (Nívea)
*1981: Commission of front and samba-enredo
*1982: Comissão of front
*1983: Leading singer of the samba parade (Silvinho)
*1986: Bateria, feminine notability (Dodô) and ala (Luxo do Lixo)
*1987: Samba-enredo
*1988: Masculine dancer(Gilson)
*1990: Feminine dancer (Solange Couto)
*1991: Samba-enredo, commission of front, revelation (Patrícia) and ala (of queens)
*1995: School, samba-enredo and leading singer of the parade (Rixxa)
*1998: Samba-enredo and masculine dancer (Cláudio Lima)
*2001: Commission of front
*2004: Personality (Dodô)
*2005: Revelation (Bruno Ribas)
*2006: Revelation (Nilo Sérgio)
*2007: Revelation (Alessandra Bessa) and masculine dancer (Ruanderson)

Famous "Portelenses"

*Marisa Monte
*Paulinho da Viola
*Zeca Pagodinho
*Clara Nunes
*João Nogueira
*Wilson Moreira
*Cristina Buarque
*Diogo Nogueira
*Teresa Cristina
*Gilberto Gil
*Heitor dos Prazeres
*Jair do Cavaco
*Mauro Diniz
*Juliana Diniz
*Aldir Blanc
*Zé Keti
*Noca da Portela
*Paulo César Pinheiro
*Hilário Jovino Ferreira
*Carlos Roberto
*Argemiro Patrocínio
*Luiz Ayrão


External links

* [ Torcida Organizada Guerreiros da Águia]

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