- Robert Peernock
Robert Peernock was a California state employee
whistle blower who was imprisoned for the murder of his wife and attempted murder of his daughter. Peernock claims he was framed because he was about to publish a book exposing state corruption.He was the subject of the book "Checklist for Murder" by Anthony Flacco, published by Random House. [ [http://www.randomhouse.com/bantamdell/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780440217909 Bantam Dell Publishing Group: A Checklist for Murder by Anthony Flacco ] ]
* [http://www.perb.ca.gov/decisionbank/pdfs/A122S.pdf PERB hearing about his dismissal]
External links
* [http://www.freerobertpeernock.com Robert Peernock Webpage]
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