Piper PA-6

Piper PA-6

__NOTOC__ Infobox Aircraft
name=PA-6 Sky Sedan

type=Light aircraft
manufacturer=Piper Aircraft
first flight=1944
primary user=
more users=
number built=2
variants with their own articles=

The Piper PA-6 Sky Sedan was a 1940s American four-seat light aircraft designed and built by Piper Aircraft at Lock Haven. Towards the end of 1944 Piper announced a number of aircraft it intended to build after the war. One of these was the PWA-6 Sky Sedan (Post War Airplane 6). A prototype was built in 1945 as a four-seat development of the PT-1 trainer, it was a fabric-covered metal framework four-seat low-wing cantilever monoplane with a conventional tail unit and a retractable tailwheel landing gear. Originally to be powered by a 140hp Franklin engine and by the time it first flew the designation had been changed to PA-6 and it had a 165hp Continental E-165 engine. A second aircraft was built in 1947, it had an all-metal construction and a 205hp Continental E-185 engine and a one-piece windscreen.

pecifications (PA-6)

met or eng?= eng

length m=
length ft=26
length in=0
span m=
span ft=34
span in=8
swept m=
swept ft=
swept in=
rot number=
rot dia m=
rot dia ft=
rot dia in=
dia m=
dia ft=
dia in=
width m=
width ft=
width in=
height m=
height ft=7
height in=0
wing area sqm=
wing area sqft=
swept area sqm=
swept area sqft=
rot area sqm=
rot area sqft=
volume m3=
volume ft3=
aspect ratio=
empty weight kg=
empty weight lb=
gross weight kg=
gross weight lb=
lift kg=
lift lb=

eng1 number=1
eng1 type=Franklin
eng1 kw=
eng1 hp= 140
eng1 kn=
eng1 lbf=
eng1 kn-ab=
eng1 lbf-ab=
eng2 number=
eng2 type=
eng2 kw=
eng2 hp=
eng2 kn=
eng2 lbf=
eng2 kn-ab=
eng2 lbf-ab=

max speed kmh=
max speed mph=140
max speed mach=
cruise speed kmh=
cruise speed mph=
range km=
range miles=
endurance h=
endurance min=
ceiling m=
ceiling ft=
glide ratio=
climb rate ms=
climb rate ftmin=
sink rate ms=
sink rate ftmin=


see also=
similar aircraft=


* Roger W. Peperell and Colin M.Smith, "Piper Aircraft and their forerunners", 1987, Air-Britain (Historians), ISBN 0 85130 149 5, Page 47 and 50.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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