- List of federations of trade unions
This is a list of federations of
trade union s. Those federations listed under each country are also known asnational trade union centre s and are organisations formed by trade unions which operate, in most cases, at the national level. The organisations listed in the world-wide section are industry/sectoral-specific (ie the GUFs) and international organisations representing national trade union centres (eg ITUC).World-Wide Federations
International (Federations of National Trade Union Centres)
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) http://www.icftu.org
*World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) http://www.wftucentral.org
=Global Union Federations GUFs (Sectoral)=*
Building and Wood Workers International BWI http://www.bwint.org/ "(formerlyInternational Federation of Building and Wood Workers IFBWW http://www.ifbww.org)"
*Education International EI http://www.ei-ie.org
*International Affiliation of Writers Guilds IAWG http://www.iawg.org
*International Arts and Entertainment Alliance IAEA (made of FIM, FIA and UNI-MEI) http://www.fim-musicians.com, http://www.fia-actors.com, http://www.union-network.org/unimei.nsf/index?openpage
*International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions ICEM http://www.icem.org
*International Federation of Journalists IFJ http://www.ifj.org
*International Metalworkers' Federation IMF http://www.imfmetal.org
*International Transport Workers' Federation ITF http://www.itf.org.uk
*International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation ITGLWF http://www.itglwf.org
*International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association IUF http://www.iuf.org
*Public Services International PSI http://www.world-psi.org
*Union Network International UNI http://www.union-network.orgRegional Federations
Caribbean Congress of Labour
*ICFTU African Regional Organisation AFRO http://www.icftuafro.org
*ICFTU Asia and Pacific Regional Organisation APRO http://www.icftu-apro.org
*ICFTU Inter American Regional Organisation of Workers ORIT http://www.cioslorit.org
*European Trade Union Confederation ETUC http://www.etuc.org/en/
*European Federation of Public Service Unions EPSU http://www.epsu.org
*South Asian Regional Trade Union Council SARTUCNational Federations/National Trade Union Centres
ee also
List of trade unions
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