

name = ¡Dispara!

caption = Film poster
director = Carlos Saura
production Company = 5 Films S.A
writer = Enzo Monteleone
Carlos Saura
starring = Francesca Neri
Antonio Banderas
music = Alberto Iglesias
cinematography = Javier Aguirresarobe
editor = Juan Ignacio San Mateo
distributor =
released = flagicon|Spain 1 October, 1993
runtime = 108 min.
country = Spain
language = Spanish
budget =
imdb_id = 0108670|

Dispara! ( _en. Outrage!) is a 1993 Spanish film directed by Carlos Saura, starring Francesca Neri and Antonio Banderas. The story is a revenge tragedy.


Marcos, a young reporter, doing a Sunday supplement piece goes to the circus to write about that world. He is not interested in anything, but as he is leaving, the next act is about to start. It involves a woman riding a horse and performing tricks; the presentation ends in shooting balloons from a horse while it is moving. Marcos is taken by the beauty of Ana, the equestrian sharpshooter. Intrigued by Ana, he returns to interview her. She invites him to dinner with the troupe. They dance, and then spend the night together. He falls in love with the beautiful horse-riding circus girl. An affair between them ensues; he considers following her around Europe and promises he would follow her to hell. Soon, Marco has to leave to cover a concert in Barcelona.

Fate intervenes when three young mechanics come to repair circus equipment and the owner gives them complimentary tickets for the show. The trio makes a racket as they watch Ana perform. After the show, the three young mechanics follow Ana to her trailer and brutally raped her. Although she is badly hurt, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Bruised, humiliated, and bleeding, she picks up her rifle to hunt them down. She finds them easily at the mechanic shop where they work. Since she is a skilled shooter, they do not have a chance when she comes for them. She shots them to death quickly and leaves without being clearly identified. Ana, who is bleeding badly has to visit a doctor who reveals to the authorities that she has been raped. The police initially has no clues about the culprit of the triple homicide, but after the clue from the doctor a pursue stars.

Ana is stopped in a highway by two officers and nervous she kills them too, a decision that she regrets immediately, but fatally sealed her fate. Marco who goes to Ana’s trailer, finds traces of blood all over the place and he and the authorities are in search of Anna. She finds refuge in a country home where a couple and two small children live. Marcos is responsible for breaking the impasse between Ana and the police, but he arrived too late to help her. She dies in his arms.


*Francesca Neri - Ana
*Antonio Banderas - Marcos
*Eulalia Ramon - Lali
*Coque Malla - Rapist

DVD Release

¡Dispara! was released in U.S.A on DVD on January 30, 1997 with the English title: "Outrage!". The transfer is of poor quality. It is in Spanish and very poorly dubbed in English.

External links


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