- Henning Eiler Petersen
Henning Eiler Petersen (1877-1946) was a Danish
mycologist ,botanist andmarine biologist . He made a major contribution to unveiling the mysterious die-back of eel grass in NorthernEurope an waters in the early 20th Century as apathogen outbreak .His main research was in what was then known as "lower fungi" -
Chytridiomycota andOomycetes . The Oomycete genus Petersenia is named to his honour.* Petersen, H.E. (1903) Notes sur les Phycomycètes observés dans les téguments vides des nymphes de Phryganées avec description de trios espèces nouvelles de Chytridinées. Journal de Botanique 17 (6-7): 214-222.
* Petersen, H.E. (1905) Contributions à la connaissance des Phycomycètes marins ("Chrytridinæ" Fischer). Oversigt over detKongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab s Forhandlinger 1905 (5): 439-488
* Petersen, H.E. (1910) An account of Danish freshwater Phycomycetes, with biological and systematical remarks. Annales Mycologici 8: 494-560.
* Ostenfeld, C.H. & Petersen, H.E. (1930) On a new Plasmodiophoracea found in Canada. Zeitschrift für Botanik 23: 13-18.
* Petersen, H.E. (1933) Wasting disease in eel grass (Zostera marina ). Nature 134: 143-144.
* Petersen, H.E. (1935) Preliminary report on the disease of eel-grass (Zostera marina L.). Report from the Danish Biological Station 40: 3-8.He also studied the
systematics ofRed algae :
* Petersen, H.E. (1908) Danske Arter af Slægten "Ceramium " (Roth) Lyngbye [with French summary] .Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab s Skrifter - Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling, 7.Rk., vol. 5 (2).On a side track, he investigated intraspecific morphological variation in plant species.
* Petersen, H.E. (1908)The structure and biology of Arctic flowering plants (ed. E. Warming. 1. Ericinæ (Ericaceae , Pirolaceae). 2. The biological anatomy of them leaves and stems.Meddelelser om Grønland 36: 73-138.
* Petersen, H.E. (1908)The structure and biology of Arctic flowering plants (ed. E. Warming. 2.Diapensiaceae . "Diapensia lapponica ".Meddelelser om Grønland 36: 139-154.
* Petersen, H. E. (1915) Indledende Studier over Polymorfien hos "Anthriscus silvestris" (L.) Hoffm.Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 1: 1-150.
* Petersen, H.E. (1924) Studier over Polymorphien hos "Vaccinium uliginosum ". Botanisk Tidsskrift 38 (3).
* Petersen, H.E. (1921) Nogle Studier over "Pimpinella saxifraga " L.Botanisk Tidsskrift 37: 222-240.
* Petersen, H.E. (1922) Études ultérieures sur la polymorphie de l"'Anthriscus silvester" (L.) Hoffm.Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 4: 1-28.
* Petersen, H.E. (1926) Über die Variation der "Potentilla erecta " (L.) Dalla Torre.Botanisk Tidsskrift 39: 368-374.
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