Albert Gottschalk

Albert Gottschalk

Albert Gottschalk (1866-1906) was a Danish painter. He was born in Stege in 1866 but moved to Copenhagen. He had a close connection, personally and artisticly, to the poets Johannes Jørgensen, Viggo Stuckenberg and Sophus Claussen.

Gottschalk was inspired by the Danish painter P.S. Krøyer as well as French art.

Gottschalk was ambitious, technically skilled, and he worked a long time with his motifs in his mind before painting them. He searched for his motifs in Denmark on his bicycle, and he found them often around Copenhagen. The paintings often look like they are quickly made sketches which was not recognised in Gottschalk’s time. But today people find his works fresher and more timeless than art from that time normally is.


* Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
* Den Hirsprungske Samling, Copenhagen, Denmark


Nørregård-Nielsen, Hans Edvard: Dansk Kunst, Gyldendal, 3.udg. 2.opl. pp. 296-299

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